In case anyone would like to see plate tectonics in action, there is a terrific animation of the breakup of the super continent Gondwana and continental drift over the past 200 million years.
Our resident expert on geological matters, farmerman, gave it this review.
farmerman wrote:Mesquite. That was an excellent animation of the split of Gondwana and the rapid movement of the Indian Subcontinent.
The gold and mineral provinces of the Karoo in Africa and Minas Gerais in Brazil, line up and this is an excellent teACHING TOOL.Im gonna see if I cant get a version to allow me to use the laptop projector.
What is presented at 10 frames a second is the resukt of about 30 years work by thousands of researchers and field grunts. Its amazing , as I look at the almost obvious fits of continents and margins, how much deep insight and hard work it took to determine accurately.
Takes about 1.5 minutes to load on my high speed, so I guess those on dial up , it may take 5 or 6?
See it here.
Gondwana Animation[/u]
The idea of mountains acting as a stabilizer to lessen the effect of earthquakes is beyond silly.