Wed 1 Feb, 2006 11:51 pm
I think that dreams are very special and that they allow the mind to wonder, create memeories, recreate events, and other such and such. We all know that the mind is constantly active, and should it ever fail to be so, this would mean you are brain dead. I think dreams are a way of seeing into the future and could possibly kill you, though this may never be proven. For example, we have all had nightmares where we were about to stare 'death' in the eyes and do the dance, however, even when you know you are going to die in your dream, you never do. Not once have you seen yourself die in a dream, usually you wake up right before it happens; right before your nightmare finishes you. We also know how deja vu feels and how common it is. I think dreams are linked to this as well.
IMO, if you were to actually die in a dream, you would literally die in reality; though this cannot be proven. Though it is possible since, no one has ever died in their dream. For instance, if you are about to be shot in your dream, you hear the gun go off and you wake up or in my cases monsters and serial killers. Sometimes hobos. Nonetheless, you still never see yourself die in a dream and if you were to die in your dream, i think your brain would shut off due to the realness of dreams.
We have all had dreams we cant remember and we've all experienced deja vu at one point. How this is related to dreams is that I believe that the human mind is capable of alot more than we give it credit for. We are aware of psychics and such individuals who display such amazing feats as predicting teh future and such. So how this relates to this, is the idea that teh dreams we have that cant remember are the sources of the deja vu experiences. I also think that the dreams we have that we cant remember are also the bitsi n the future. I think that if we were able to gain more control over our minds, then we'd be able to predict parts in the future.
EVEN If this sounds totally crazy and that I may be a ranting lunatic about such things, isnt it cool to think about the possiblity of the human mind being able to do such things? Plus we dont know everything about the human mind anyway. Its just like that mind over matter thing, monks are capable of it, but we arent since we arent attuned to thinking that manner.
Usually when we even try to do this its more like "this wont hurt me and repeat" "no it will hurt me " "this wont hurt me " "omg this is going to hurt"
My thesis? The human mind is capable of predicting the future and dreams are the proof to back it up though you cant prove it ^^ and Dreams can kill
Re: Do you think dreams can be a link to the paranormal?
crayon851 wrote:IMO, if you were to actually die in a dream, you would literally die in reality; though this cannot be proven. Though it is possible since, no one has ever died in their dream. For instance, if you are about to be shot in your dream, you hear the gun go off and you wake up or in my cases monsters and serial killers. Sometimes hobos. Nonetheless, you still never see yourself die in a dream and if you were to die in your dream, i think your brain would shut off due to the realness of dreams.
Well, I actually have died in a dream and i'm still here in reality alive and kicking!
I always used to have dreams where Id find a dead body then id have to spend the rest of the dream hiding it or prooving it wasnt me that killed the person.
I hope that never comes true!!
I do get the dreams when I dream of a dead loved one and I actually cry in my sleep and my throat hurts by trying to stop myself from crying so I suppose dreams can be quite physically powerful.
Well, I think dreams have very vague links to the paranormal, if they can have.
There must be more direct inner experiences connected to the paranormal than dreams, if those have any sense.
Dreams are just what your brain does when your 5 senses are shut down...A tree loses its leaves in winter, lets consider this sleep. The tree isnt so focused on the outside of itself, but more the inside now. Over the winter months it'll build on everything it observed (through it's leaves) and build a ring. So my thesis is it's just our brain using observed memories and squashing it all together/building it up. I guess a practical example would be when u try to do a math problem but to no avail, grab a good night's rest and when you wake up you somehow know the answer.
The future? I'm not so sure about that one. Our brain is alot smarter than we know it is though, so who's to say we don't sub-conciously remember everything...our brain taking note of this is able to make accurate educated guesses. However we're unaware of this entire thought process so when the deja vu actually occurs....that's why it feels so weird. I feel our brain just thought ahead and now that we're experiencing it it's like our head's way of saying "i told ya so".
How do you knwo you died? did you watch yourself die? or was it actually happening to you, theres a big difference. So if you experience something similar in your dream to a post experience, wouldnt that mean your brain predicted the future of you being there?Isn't predicting the future just another sense?
No, he doesn't, and neither do I. You must have forgotten your question, already.
crayon851 wrote:How do you knwo you died? did you watch yourself die? or was it actually happening to you, theres a big difference. So if you experience something similar in your dream to a post experience, wouldnt that mean your brain predicted the future of you being there?Isn't predicting the future just another sense?
How do I know I died? Probably because I got shot 3 times in the chest, dropped to the ground, and consciencely felt my self slip away from my body...weird feeling. I'm pretty sure I woke myself up after that to make sure I wasn't really dead.
Thats the first time i've ever experienced that as I usually do wake up just before the bullets hit, or I drown, or whatever. That time I DIED.
Well you felt yourself slip away from your body? or just into being unconscious?
I felt myself slip away from my body. I died.
Where if ever is it proven that one cannot die in their dreams? Where did you come up with that?
By all means get yourself a copy of Julian Jaynes' "Origin of Consciousness".
Dreams used to be meaningful and interpretable; they no longer are. The human mind and brain were originally hardwired for a form of communication which ceased working in biblical times. Prophets, oracles, familiar spirits and the like were part of that ancient paradigm for the use of the human mind as was also idolatry, which was the cardinal sin in the Old Testament. Idolatry in those days meant hearing real voices emanating from idols.
The only remnants of that ancient paradigm in our world are things like dreams, schizophrenia, and hypnotism. That's also why claims by guys like Mohammed (Pbullshit) or Joseph Smith to be prophets in our own age of the world are basically BS.
If you want to read something really funny along such lines, start doing google searches on 'Joseph Smith' and 'rosetta stone'.
I dont understand how you knew you died, its like if you were to get shot in the head, you arent concsiously aware that you are dead. or it hasnt been proven. If the brain can make you cry in your sleep and walk in your sleep, shouldnt it be possible for your brain to stop you from living? for example, if you brain were to acknowledge that you are dead, it would stop functioning and be shut off
Oh good lord. I've died in dreams too, that's just a goofy superstition that you can't. Your brain wouldn't shut down your heart because of a dream. I hope a scientist comes along and lays this idea to rest, so to speak.
And, yes, I actually dreamt that I died from
inside my body, I didn't watch myself die from outside. There was a nuclear bomb, and I felt my body vaporize, and then everything went bright white for a second, and then I was drifting around a devastated landscape with no body. I don't see how you could be more "conciously aware that you are dead" (as you mentioned) in a dream than that.
[size=7] I love my dreams
Although, let me add that as far as dreams possibly being a link to the paranormal, sometimes I wonder. I really don't buy the dying thing, but I still think there may be more of a "mystical" (for lack of a better word) side to dreams than we might think...
I occasionally (very rarely, though) have dreams in which I meet someone who seems so real and so completely unlike anybody I know in real life, that it makes me wonder if in some bizarro way I did meet a real person's conciousness. <giggle> Sounds silly! But if you've ever had a dream where you had a rational conversation with someone who still seems real even when you wake up, it's a very odd feeling. You do feel as though you met someone that your mind didn't make up. I think it would be really neat if in some way our conciousness could travel as we sleep...So I guess I'm as silly as anyone about spooky dream stuff!
I got shot, I knew I was gonna die, I felt a weird unexplainable feeling as my living person was dying. I remember thinking to myself "so this is what it's like to die", that was my last conscience thought, then my spirit "body" took over and I was suddenly looking at the dead shell of my body as the medical people and bystanders rushed over to me. I then woke up as I was scared that I actually died. Which I did in my dream, but not in reality, obviously.
The mind is a great thing, don't under estimate it.
Anything can happen in dreams, that's why they are dreams. We even have the ability to control our dreams to some extent. To dream of dying; to be dead in a dream is simply that, a dream.
I recall reading a few years back the results of a study that showed the content of most dreams were related to whatever had been happening to the dreamer in the past twenty four hours. From my own experience, this seems to be more or less true, although before I became aware of the study I would have guessed that it was not. I think if you make an effort to relate your dream experiences to your waking life (including thought and television) you will be surprised to find a correlation.
The researchers speculated that dreams worked as a sort of filing system, storing thoughts and ideas in parts of the brain redundantly so they could be retrieved if need be. Not as inspirational a theory as a paranormal connection, I'm afraid, but I give it some credence.
So you dont think that it is possible to die in reality if you die in a dream? What if your brain takes your dream for reality ? Isn't that what the brain does when you are about to die? It determiens that your are no longer able to live and so you die?
Isn't the process of death instant? Like you go from alive to being dead without any thoughts or anything?
I always thought that it was instant, that when your body can no longer support you, there is no inbetweenn, just life and then death.
Ok, when your brain has all it's senses turned on (you're awake) and you die, your brain can tell that you're dieing so it does the whole dead thing. You're asleep and your senses are turned off. You can't feel a thing physically, it's all in your head, It's your brain colaborating over what you've taken in via your senses. It's just thinking. In order for you to die there'd need to be some sort of physcial stimulus man. Maybe someone who's old has a bad dream and their heartrate spikes and they have cardiac arrest or something. But you're brain cant convince you're body of something when it's asleep, it can just convince itself.