Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:14 am
need help improving these,im going to art school soon and i need more work in my portfolio...
Hey jacambece, welcome to A2K!
Alright, you need some critique? I'll go through it one at a time. Let's start with the first poster.
Very dynamic photography, and a reasonable black and white motif. One thing I would urge you to do is play around with the fonts a bit more. The san sarif font is a great look for some things, but a concert poster for a band named 'Devil Driver' isn't one. It doesn't convey energy or any of the other things I typically associate with such concerts. It also doesn't jive well with the picture.
Play with the font, find something more jazzy, and possibly even reconsider your font placement. (covering the picture is a bad idea imo, as the picture is what provides the dynamic element to the poster)
Love the look here. The drawing is well done and dynamic.
Suggestion: Just to see what it looks like, try taking the top right image of the man with the dogtags and stretch it out to fit the majority of the page. Take the smaller skeleton soldier at the bottom and shrink it and the 'info' section a bit. It could be that what you've got here is as good as it will get without a dramatic shift in what you appear to have been going for.
Other than that, great looking poster!
Grind of the Dead - The only suggestion I would have here is to make the text stand out a bit more, perhaps with a drop shadow or some outline work. The font you've chosen is superb. Good job here.
Shot Down Sun - Very vivid design. I'm not entirely certain what you're going for here. CD cover perhaps? Whatever the case, it's very succinct and to the point.
On the whole, great looking work. If this is all that you have in your portfolio I might suggest doing a bit more with color and non-musical concepts. Good luck to you!