Doktor S wrote:Quote:
Why would you nuture(sic) that which you believe evolution has superseded?
I made no such assertion. I think the majority of people would have a very hard time getting through life without it.
But not everyone.
And then there are those of us that play with it purely as an indulgence.
And speaking of fantasy worlds, didn't you just finish telling us that your philosophy IS patterned (and even named) after a fictional character?
Actually I explained that it is not.
Reading comprehension much?
That you don't believe in a literal satan, but you practice satanism, correct?
That is partly correct;But I don't need to
Oh I think you'll be practicing for some time to come, if you are to remain true (whatever that may mean to a satanist) to your professed religion.
Doktor S wrote: Stupidity is a sin.
This is part of your religious doctrine as you stated it, right DS?
Well, let me ask you, how much does one have to know ( and concerning what areas of human knowledge) before one is not considered 'stupid' ?
You are quite stupid about a number of things, and so am I.
Is there anyone who, according to your definition, is not sinning?
And how can they stop sinning?
At what point are they deemed smart enough that they are not sinning?
When they agree with you......... or LaVey....... or who?
Is it knowledge that is demanded by this statement..........or conformity?
By whose definition can one be proclaimed 'not stupid' so that they are good little satanists?
A more calculating statement to foster dependence on the church (of satan) can scarce be imagined. Great manipulative technique. But gullible indeed must be those who fall for it.
Yep you are gonna be practicing for a long time until you measure up to what someone else says you ought to think.
When they fully have your brain in their palm , maybe they'll deem you 'smart', to their great satisfaction.