Roxxxanne wrote:ehBeth wrote:<I didn't vote either. Neither option works for me.>
Sturgis, why won't you go to see the film?
Cuz, ya know, it seems a bit nose/spite/face thing - if you generally like good movies. If you're not a movie-goer in any case <shrug>, but why avoid what truly appears to be a good film?
I don't understand why he is so admant about not seeing it either. It is rather puzzling. main reason is the fact that I find the film over-hyped and I see no reason to go see a movie which is given too much publicity. It always ends up with a feeling of being let down...much akin I would say to being told how wonderful the food is at a particular establishment and then finding the food to be good but not anywhere near as wonderful as it was said to be. Why force upon myself unneeded disappointment?
Roxxxanne...I guess the answer remains the same to you as to ehBeth. Truth be known, I do not see that many movies each year...usually two per month, totaling about two dozen annually; so, when a movie comes out I want it to be on a subject matter I have an interest in and quite frankly I don't care much for cowboy movies. Combine my distaste with over sensationalizing a movie...based at least within the homosexual community mainly on the gay subject line and
NOT the directing or acting or overall story and my lack of interest in cowboy movies and you will quickly realize why I have no intentions of seeing the movie.
People seem less interested in the plot, direction, acting and cinematography than they do with the idea of two men having a physical connection. My main reason to see a film is with regard to what the main storyline is about...nothing anywhere in the description of this film has grabbed my any of my interests. Maybe on Thursday when I'm over at the Plaza to (for some unknown reason) take in Underworld: Evolution I will have a change of mind and give it a look-see...or maybe I can go over to Westway and see Memoirs of A Geisha. Decisions, decisions.