Tue 24 Jan, 2006 05:12 pm
Hey everyone
I have just moved back into my house (after having it renovated) and i have an extremely boring room. Id like to makeover it myself but i need some help with ideas. My room is not that large so yeah. any ideas would be appreciated and what to your rooms look like???? (oh im a girl too.)
Hi, welcome to A2K.
Give us something to work with... you seem to like pink, anything else?
I absolutely lurve pink and i like vintage too. Modern as well. I just got a new chair its a pixie chair or sumthing and its denim. I want my room to be really cool though old and new together but so that it works if you know what i mean. I don't actually know what i want or really like but i guess i love old stuff and pink.
Target has cute bedroom decorations.
or Pottery Barn for Teens
Might I suggest some nice blinds, perhaps a small table in the corner, and some high-quality paneling covering the walls. I think it would be absolutely adorable.....
Why yes, and the proportions are so well defined.
Gustav, you should have become a decorator instaed of a
fountain operator.
The world always needs a good fountain operator.
thanx so much evryone!!!!!!
hey ever1 i have 2 share my room with my little sis it sucks my room is full of dolls and looks really childish can any1 plzzzzz give me a site to help me funky it up a bit or any ideas thanks heaps