What about them? She is well sculpted. Her shoulders are round, not pointy.
Ok, take a look at Lindsay Lohan, who has an admitted eating disorder.
Look at her arms. Long, shapeless, bony. Note the ribs as well.
Very good chance she is anorexic or bulimic. Long, shapeless, boney. Note the ribs as well.
Now, look at Jessica Alba. She is thin but take a gander at her arms, versus the ones I just posted. Her arms are sculpted, her shoulders rounded.
Anorexia also shows in the face. Cheek bones lose all roundness and the face becomes gaunt. It is usually apparent to anyone who's actually seen an anorexic or bulimic versus someone who is naturally very thin. However, sometimes it depends on the severity of the disease. Miss OK and our newest Miss America might have eating disorders and it still might not be showing on their bodies. But eventually, the disorder destroys the body.