Exactly - Evidence (see Brandon, evidence :wink: ) points to the universe being flat, since it goes on without a boundry..if it was curved, it would eventually meet itself again....may not be saying that exactly right, but it's the best I can say.
his2serve - your comments would be interesting if you weren't so quick to say something was physically impossible.
Cosmology has gone way beyond Newton, who knew nothing of quantum mechanics and relativity.
Also, your statement that the odds of something happening as a billion to one is way understated.
I really know very little about it compared to others on this forum, I'm hesitant to say much as I'm not educated in that field....but the little I know, or am learning boggles my mind.
Oh, in one part of the book, Einstein was quoted as saying that quantum mechanics was "spooky" at that moment I didn't know what he meant, but soon after I had a glimmer, and just sat there and said...whooooooaaaaa.
Something about how an action in the future (our present) could effect and change something from the past i.e., something many light years away.