So, sozlet wants to be an actress.

This has been a theme for a while -- it went up several notches when there was some big modeling/ acting thing going on at the hotel we stayed at in Chicago, and everyone in elevators and such thought she was there to participate in it. She thought that was a GREAT idea. :-? I had to explain that it's not something you can just walk into, you had to contact them ahead of time yadda yadda. She was like so CONTACT them!! I answered with something vague.
I thought she'd forget about it, but she keeps bringing it up.
I Googled the agency that was in Chicago -- ProScout -- and they seemed legit. I sent a coupla photos a few days ago. They just wrote back saying that sozlet has been selected for the same kind of "event" that was in Chicago, but here, in the fall -- registration is only $700.
Yeah, right.
I did some research and it sounds like it's not completely shady but no guarantees. Basically it is a way to get connected to an agent, who then would find/ arrange jobs. There is just no way I'm spending $700, though.
IF I wanted to ease the way for her to be some sort of an actress if she's so interested, what would be the legitimate, scam-free way to do so? Is it even possible if I'm not in Los Angeles or New York?
I'm of two minds about the whole thing, so am just curious at this point, may put the kibosh on it even if it's theoretically possible.