Mon 16 Jan, 2006 10:24 am
My newspaper is having a contest to come up with a new state slogan.
I came up with the one in my headline. What do you think?
Do you think that mine would win?
Can you think of a better slogan for Oregon?
What about a slogan for the place where you live?
That's awesome!
I think Ohio could be, "We actually don't totally suck."
There was a great circular on the internet about five years ago with slogans for all the fifty states . . . things like: Kentucky--five million people, fifteen family names; Illinois--please do not pronounce the "s"; New Jersey--Whaddaya lookin' at ? ! ? ! ? . . . if i can find a copy, i'll post it.
My sister in law is from Ohio and she says the same thing! Her version is something like - "It isn't as bad as you'd think."
Okay, Set. I'm waiting.....
Texas, we make great steax.
More than just oil, cowboys, and tumbleweeds.
Don't hate us 'cause we're big.
Yeah, but it's a dry heat. (This probably works better for Arizona; it's only applicable to West Texas.)
You got lunch, I'll get the Cadillacs.
Supporting illegal immigration since 1847.
How about "Oregon - State of Confusion"?
How about: Oregon--It Doesn't Rain All the Time . . .
We got dysentery on the Oregon Trail for this?!?!?
It doesn't suck as much as Alaska.
I plan on moving to Portland in 2 months.(or out of the country.)
Oregon - Dryer than Washington State.
Oregon - Home of the Other Portland.
Oregon - Among the top five states in the Pacific Time Zone.
Massachusetts - we have lots of s's in our name.
Massachusetts - if you didn't have our cranberries, it wouldn't be Thanksgiving.
Massachusetts - we have a few Republicans, too.
Massachusetts - dontcha just love our housing bubble?
How about --
Oregon: that's not toe jam, it's mold.
Oregon: it's treeieer here.
Oregon: 50% less serial killers than Washington!
Massachusetts: Gesundheit!
Texas: We're more interesting than Kansas!
I like "it's treeieer here."
Texas: go to some other state to commit your crime; we'll kill ya.
I was going to comment on Amigo's "move to Portland" post and then I noticed his signature line....
Oregon: We're not depressive, we're just S.A.D.
How about - "Oregon: We're not quite as nuts as California - yet!"
Hey, hey CowDoc

(Yes we know: CA full of fruits and nuts)
Oregon: Great alternative to what?
On his show the other night Steven Colbert called Oregon "California's Canada". That might be a good motto.
And now for the rest of New England:
Connecticut: the middle c is silent
Maine: some of us have teeth
Vermont: if you don't ski, don't live here
New Hampshire: we mean it when we say live free, or die
New Hampshire: enjoy our tax-free booze
Rhode Island: what's a turn signal?
The Netherlands: I Am of German Blood... ehhmmm ... that doesnt quite work does it ...