A nice surprise to find even more suggestions just now. Thank you very much, you good folk! I'm going to read all your suggestions tomorrow, when I can really take some time & concentrate. My feeling at the moment is that I'll wait a couple of days before the gathering to decide. Reason: the weather. The last couple of days have been oppressively hot -
very muggy & sticky. The thought of a
too filling meal is kind of hard to contemplate. So if it's anything like this, next week, I'm going to opt for simple, light, uncomplicated food. Lots to choose from here! A pity I'm sort of stuck with steak - the minute I mentioned a BBQ my friend D, immediately said she'd bring steak. (She's like that. Always generous. I told her that I didn't expect anyone to bring
anything, but ....) Anyway, seeing that what's she & her husband are bringing, I thought I get the same for the rest of us. Not a problem, but something a bit lighter might have been nice ...
Which brings me to dessert: I like G's Flaming Bananas
but have decided that I want to serve something I can prepare the day before & just extract from the fridge when it's time. Still not sure what, though. Any not too complicated but good suggestions, anyone?