Indifference/ The Most Effective Response to Irrationality

Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 12:46 pm
BBB- The edges too???? I dunno. Ya give a finger..................... Very Happy
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 12:50 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

So big deal, I used the words battle for the Lord. Big deal. Sorry sweetie, but the way some treat God on A2K they pretty much make it seem like a war. Debate, battle, argument, tit for tat, whatever the friggin word you want to use. It's all the same thing.

Debate Not Equal war ...

Just like belief Not Equal an argument ...

And thats where the problem is, innit...? The inability to grasp the differences ... like Timber said.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:11 pm
J_B Wrote:

Ok, Momma. I have something for you to consider. This is something I've brought up before and you said you saw my point, but here you are doing it again. The words hypocrisy and hypocrite keep popping up in the feedback loop here and its the word that I keep wanting to try to define for you. Maybe the hypocrisy that people are reacting to is the way you continue to spout the "they" concept of 'us and them' or they and we from one side of your spiel and the 'I really like it here and want to be part of the family' concept out of the other.

I tried very hard to get rid of that we vs. them mentality, J_B. I really did. And, I do not believe that everyone on A2K holds that belief. But, you can't tell me there are not some on here who do not feel that way. It's obvious that they do. I got ticked at Setanta for accusing me of something I did not do. I told him I didn't do it. He wouldn't let up. He pushed it. Yes, it's my responsibility for my actions and I'm paying for them now. That's fine. I haven't problem one with it. But, if this is going to get cleared up (for those that want it cleared up) then the whole truth has to be told by everyone.

At least Setanta finally came out and said he does want to mock them/their beliefs. Now, if he was joking, I don't know. But, he at least finally said it. How many times have I talked to people on these threads that have started out being civil and respectful and then once I disagree with something that is pretty close to home with them I am then not treated civily? Hey, I'm not saying I'm persecuted here. I don't feel persecuted. I am asking why is this? Why is it that just because people believe differently than you (not literal) they are then called names, etc.? I don't get it. I just don't get it.

Yeah, I'd love to be accepted and be part of the family here on A2K. You bet. So? Hey, you guys seem to think I'm so danged devious then why the heck didn't I just come on here and agree with everyone and not make waves, etc.? I didn't do it because that's not who I am. I tell the truth. I stand for what I believe in.

I think folks wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt as the different uncle we all have in our families until yesterday when any benefit of the doubt blew out the window.

And I appreciate that. But, it seems at the first perceived mistake that benefit flew out the window also. NOT ONE single person ASKED me if there was any kind of explanation whatsoever. NOT ONE! I have apologized every time I have done something wrong on A2K. I own up to what I do or say. But NOT ONE single person gave me the common decency of asking me what it was all about. Everyone (that did) assumed that it was just what it was and I had no explanation or any reason.

What is perceived as your true colors were discovered over at partyjohn's site and you're attempts to get along here as a smokescreen. Being honest and forthright with your intentions are different things. You might have been honest, but the secret agent man agenda was not forthright and is hypocritical.

What was discovered at that other site to me is that NO ONE even thought to ask me what it was about. Not even you, J_B, not even you. And yes, that really hurts. It hurts being honest with everyone and then they don't even give you a chance to tell your side of something. There was no secret agent agenda. I didn't post there until after Setanta accused me and then I did. That doesn't make it right that I did what he had earlier accused me of and I'm not saying it is.

Also, the concept of rallying the troops to wage war against a discussion is a bit over the top, don't you think? As one of the candidates for the honor of being the one prayed against, I think its a bit thick.

J_B, where I come from Christians talk like that all the time. It doesn't mean we are taking up guns and swords and going out to kill anyone. It means we get together and pray and try to show others how we want God treated. Everyone is taking this war thing (it seems) as if there was some covert CIA operation or something. As far as prayer goes, no, not over the top. Praying for someone is never going over the top. It's just people connecting with God. It's people talking to God. It's a lot of things. It was not an "Ok, get your guns and get your swords cause we're gonna be killing some heathens." I have tried to explain that but for some reason everyone (whoever does) seems to think that is what I meant.

And now, there is a rally going on asking people to ignore me. So, is this another do as we say and not as we do? It's not ok for me to rally anyone but it's ok for someone else to do it? Yeah, it's being done in retaliation for what I did. So, what's the difference? I suppose you can call me rallying people and prayers retaliation for the way God and believers were being treated on A2K. What's the difference?

Now, I have explained this over and over and over and I'm tired of it as I am sure are so many others. If I am not believed, then I am not believed. If some understand where I am coming from they do. If they don't, then they don't. I don't have a problem following rules or dealing with the consequences. I get a little confused though when there are standards set for some and then other standards set for others. That's just a fact on here, J_B. Plain and simple.

I have apologized for my wrong. I have explained my intent and my meaning. What else can I do?

I do not feel persecuted or like a victim, etc. Man, it's just the consequences of actions I have taken. That's life.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:13 pm

Please see my post to J_B concerning the war thing.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:14 pm
The mind boggles.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:15 pm
Tower of Babel, revisited.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:19 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
BBB- The edges too???? I dunno. Ya give a finger..................... Very Happy

I didn't know you knew about finger sandwiches, you wicked wench!

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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:21 pm
"I have apologized for my wrong. And anyway, I never did anything wrong."
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:31 pm
I could bring some devilled eggs - an appropriate snack in the circumstances, I would think. A nice, rich, chocolatey devilsfood cake might be nice too ... lemme see if I've got the ingredients here.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:33 pm
timberlandko wrote:
I could bring some devilled eggs - an appropriate snack in the circumstances, I would think. A nice, rich, chocolatey devilsfood cake might be nice too ... lemme see if I've got the ingredients here.

Timber, great idea. We could use a little more deviltry around here.

Want some Tobasco sauce?

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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 01:57 pm
For a guy who does wordiness so well, nimh's pretty darn talented at pithiness, too.

nimh wrote:

Debate Not Equal war ...

Just like belief Not Equal an argument ...

And thats where the problem is, innit...? The inability to grasp the differences ... like Timber said.

nimh wrote:
"I have apologized for my wrong. And anyway, I never did anything wrong."

Just so.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:11 pm
MA, perhaps if you understood that your mother donned the blinders and did not want to face the truth so as to remain in her comfort zone is exactly what you are doing with religion. You both ignore the evidence and fabricate excuses to create the reality you want rather than the reality that is.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:30 pm
No, Mesquite. I have stated exactly what was going through my mind and why I did it. I realize what the evidence looks like. I am not stupid. I can completely understand why some feel the way they do. But, I am not going to admit to something I did not do. I will not admit to a lie! Yes, I tried to get Christians to come to A2K. Yes, I sure did. No, I did not expect them to come marching in here and convert all the heathens (if you are one, that is). Yes, I ask for prayer for people for all kinds of things. Man, I ask for pray for the troops and people got upset! Our troops! Shocked

And are you ever off base about my mother! I gotta tell ya! You're talking about a woman that remade her whole life after all that crap that happened! She got up, went on, and made something of herself. She still holds her head high. I may not like the way the whole thing came down but I respect the heck out of her.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:32 pm
MOAN's excuses ring awfully damned hollow given the rah-rah, let's go to war language she used at the "spiritwarrior" site . . . she's lied in the past, and i have no reason to believe her now.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:34 pm
Prove I lied in the past. Oh, unless you mean I said I was leaving and then didn't. I'll give you that one on a technicality.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:43 pm
MOAN, at the so-called spiritwarrior BB, on January 8th, at 8:08 p.m., wrote:
Hi Everyone!

How has God blessed me today? He sent me some real angels! Some know me from A2K, some don't. It's getting rough on that forum. The non-believers are really rebelling against God's word. I think those of you that post on A2K realize that.

I am asking if any of you do go to A2K and post in the Spirituality & Religion Forums, please DO NOT post in the threads that the atheists start that clearly are to mock the Lord! If we stay out of those threads, they will die from their own evil.

And those of you that do not post on Able2know.com, I encourage you to do so. We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.

I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here. But, please, please, do not PM or directly ask anyone on A2K to join SpiritWarriors. That's against the TOS. I am in contact with a lot of the Christians there and I am telling them about this site to get them to come here.

We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry.

I am so blessed to be able to be a part of this site and I am so sorry I have't been visiting much, but I definitely will be from now on!

You continue to claim that this was all an innocent thought on your part, that you don't want to convert anyone, and that it was not about a war on heathens. You continue to claim that it was never your purpose to recruit anyone for a christian web site. You lie like a rug . . .
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:49 pm
"The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry. "

anyone I know MA?

And who is the father of lies?

I think the beast must be Lord Ellpus

And the father of lies? Thats gotta be
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 02:57 pm
By the way, MOAN, does Jonathon Earl Bowser know that you are using his artwork, entitled Celestial Apparition, as an avatar picture at that other site? That's a copyright violation you know--but of course, i notice that you cropped off the copyright line on the picture before you used it.

Say . . . i know, i'll just send an email off to Jonathon Bowser to let him know that you're using his artwork without either attribution, or having paid for the work, or having negotiated the right to use it.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 03:16 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

There is one thing that I would like for you and everyone else to understand. I do know why you are upset. Of course I know.

I was highly ticked off at Setanta when he accused me of recruting people for my organization and in trying to innundate A2K with other Christians. I surely will admit that. You see, I have this thing about the truth. I don't mind standing up to it. I relish standing up to it.

I had to sit down last night and ask myself why is it so important that they know that I am not lying to them? For that matter, why have I always been so concerned about anyone believing me when I tell them something is true?

Well, it took me quite awhile to figure it out but I did. So, if nothing else, I learned something about myself. When my father first started molesting me I told my mother he was coming into my room at night. She confronted him. He told her I must be dreaming. She accepted it. Then before she got remarried I caught my stepfather and sister in bed together. I told my mother. He told her something, I don't remember what. The point is, she believed him and my sister. So, perhaps it does spark something in me when I am telling someone the truth and they don't accept it. That is why I never am afraid to offer whatever backup I have for what I say or do.

I will admit there are a couple of posters on here that I may think behave in a pretty evil manner because of what they post. I will not deny that.

I was in conflict about quite a few others because the more I got to know them through A2K the more complete the picture was of who they appear to really be. I do have strong faith in God but it doesn't mean I don't have questions about things. I would bring up the questions so I could get the answers.

I am very sorry that anyone got hurt by this in any way. I can only tell you that I did not come to A2K with an agenda other than to find out why people were mocking God the way they were. I think that is pretty evident throughout all my posts. I have been consistent with what I believe and have even come to accept a different way to look at an issue or two.

Again, I am so sorry that anyone was hurt or offended by what I did. I cannot tell you that I am sorry I did it at all because I am not. I'm telling you the truth about the situation. If you do not accept that, I can certainly understand why. If you do accept it, then I am grateful, but I will not admit to doing something I did not do.

I am not in the least hurt, MA.

I shall repeat part of my post in another thread, to which you did not respond: ( http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1824738#1824738 )

(I am in normal type, quotes from MA in italics.)

If you want to be "left to what I believe or feel" you are likely going about it the wrong way by debating the issue in a forum such as this.

You keep saying you are being picked on.....some have certainly been rude to you, but you are NOT being picked on, you are being debated with.

And this is exactly why I am feeling baited, dlowan. I have made this comment to someone and it seems to have found it's way to the surface. That's fine. I made the comment. I stand by it. Yes, I believe there is a spiritual warfare going on. However, I don't know to what extent it is. And yes, I do believe that for some (and Doktor S, forgive me but you have professed yourself as a Satanist so I would have to say that you apply) there is a spiritual warfare going on. But, even if that is the case, it doesn't mean I have to be cruel or nasty to anyone because of it.

I have in private conversations said things about others in frustration or anger, yes. I won't deny that. It doesn't make it right, but I have done it. So, if there is anything else you want to ask if I think or have said or whatever, lay it out there, dlowan. I have no problem with addressing it.

I am not sure by what criteria you consider a public web site to be "private conversation".

Here is a fact.

What you write on a public website is not private conversation.

I remain interested in whether you believe you are in some sort of crusade here against the forces of evil and the devil?

This is relevant to a "christian whoppers" thread since I do not think that is how you have presented yourself here.

I am especially intrigued as to whether you believe you are on the right side in a war against we evil folk, because it does not really go well with your hurt complaints that people do not respect your opinions, does it?

Seeing us as tools of the devil is a tad suggestive that you do not have respect for our beliefs, does it not?

I don't see that as an especial problem if you are honest (most people think some watered down version of this about their ideas, but mebbe most can at least laugh at it?) though I, of course, think it daft....so it goes....

Nimh has captured my quarrel with you here:


There is no need to dramatise it as hurt feelings and such.

I simply think it very dishonest, and it irks me.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 03:29 pm
MOAN, at the so-called spiritwarrior BB, on January 15th, at 11:27 pm wrote:
Little Mouse,

It's not me doing anything. It is He that is within me. Like I said, half the time I'm not sure what I even typed. Your input is invaluable on A2K. We need to encourage all Christians to register and start posting in the Spirituality & Religion Forums. I guess if Set thinks I am recruiting Christians I might as well start doing it!

So, tell everyone. I am telling everyone about this site and trying to help get more to register. We can be a mighty army for the Lord.

The "Little Mouse" refers to the member here who uses "I'm the other one" as a screen name, but uses "my-2-punkins" as a screen name at that site.

What is sad is that in this post she attempts to create the impression that she was "inspired" to do the recruitment by my remarks. The earlier post gives the lie to that, as does the fact that "my-2-punkins" registered here as "I'm the other one" before the thread from which i took these posts was even begun.
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