Indifference/ The Most Effective Response to Irrationality

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:03 pm
Ok, let's see if we can clear some of this up:


Nice try, Setanta. But no cigar. Check the dates. Look it up. See when you first accused me of doing that. Then, look to see when I actually did it. I did not lie when you accused me of it. Yep, you can call it a sin of ommission because I didn't come back and tell you, "Oh BTW, I have asked other Christians to join A2K" and I will admit to that with no problem.

Yes, I told other Christians in an email about the spirit warrior site. So what? You want to dictate to me what I can and can't email to anyone? You've never asked anyone to join A2K for any reason? That angel picture was sent to me by someone. It was sent to me just the way it is so I have no idea about a copyright being taken off or anything. But, I will email Jonathan Browser myself and ask for permission to use it. No problem.

I never said it wasn't to recruit a Christian for this site or that site, Setanta. Never said that at all. I have admitted that on the other forum I did ask Christians to join A2K.

Inspired by your remark to do recruitment? Boy, do you ever think highly of yourself. What inspired me was your continued mockery of God and those that believe in Him. Yes, I wanted more Christians on A2K to help balance things out, rally with others to hopefully stop the mockery, etc. I never denied it. I wasn't doing it when you first accused me of it and that is what I denied. I have done it. I admitted it. I explained why and what I did. It's all out in the open. No more bombs to go off.

Why do you keep bringing that post up? Do you think my explanation is going to change? It's not. It's the truth. And whether you accept it as such is entirely up to you. So, anything else I can address for you?


I will answer your post all on its own next.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:04 pm
Is it just my imagination, or has there been an influx of members with the same mindset as Setanta et al of late?
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:05 pm
I don't try to dictate anything to you MOAN, i am just pointing out your habit of lying . . .
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:08 pm
As for the dates--on January 12th, you are calling for people to come to this website . . . it was not until January 15th that you claimed you were doing it because i brought it up . . . which also does not explain why "my-2-punkins/I'm the other one" was registered here before that thread was even created . . . I don't think you're a pathological liar--people such as that are usually much better at covering their tracks than you are . . .
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:12 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Yes, I wanted more Christians on A2K to help balance things out, rally with others to hopefully stop the mockery

Not Christians.

Christians who agree with you.

Nuff said.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:13 pm
Are you still using Jonathon Bowser's artwork without attribution, without permission and without paying for it, MOAN? Should i send him an e-mail with a link to that web site so that he can shut it down for copyright violation?
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:16 pm

I did not meet I'm the other one/my-2-punkins (if they are the same) until after they came to A2K. I cannot take personal responsibility for one person coming to A2K other than a friend of mine way last year.

I don't believe spirit warrior was started until I'm the other one had been posting on A2K. That is how I found out about the site. You can see when I signed up and everything. I have no tracks to cover. What part don't you get about that? It is all out on the table. All I can do is tell my side of the story.

So, now, how about backing up that habit of lying statement? If I've said something I thought was true and found out it wasn't, I've admitted it. So, you have any examples? Or are you just going to keep picking out little parts of my statement and make them all about you?

No need to email Jonathan Browser. I pulled the avatar from here and the other site and will not use it unless I get permission to do so.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:22 pm

Did you see anywhere in any of those posts I made anything like, "Now, if y'all don't agree with me then don't say anything?" Of course not, that's because I invited Christians to join. Not every Christian has the exact same beliefs as another. Figured you knew that.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:25 pm
I'll give you that one on a technicality.

"What never? No never!
What never? Well.....hardly ever!"

The mind boggles.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:32 pm

I changed my mind. When I wrote that I had every intention of not coming back. I just changed my mind. You never done it? You get called a liar because of it?
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:36 pm
dlowan Wrote:


I am not in the least hurt, MA.

I am glad of that, dlowan. I'm afraid you are offended though and I am deeply sorry for offending anyone.

I shall repeat part of my post in another thread, to which you did not respond: ( http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1824738#1824738 )

(I am in normal type, quotes from MA in italics.)

If you want to be "left to what I believe or feel" you are likely going about it the wrong way by debating the issue in a forum such as this.

You keep saying you are being picked on.....some have certainly been rude to you, but you are NOT being picked on, you are being debated with.

Ok, I will accept that. I can deal with it.

And this is exactly why I am feeling baited, dlowan. I have made this comment to someone and it seems to have found it's way to the surface. That's fine. I made the comment. I stand by it. Yes, I believe there is a spiritual warfare going on. However, I don't know to what extent it is. And yes, I do believe that for some (and Doktor S, forgive me but you have professed yourself as a Satanist so I would have to say that you apply) there is a spiritual warfare going on. But, even if that is the case, it doesn't mean I have to be cruel or nasty to anyone because of it.

I have in private conversations said things about others in frustration or anger, yes. I won't deny that. It doesn't make it right, but I have done it. So, if there is anything else you want to ask if I think or have said or whatever, lay it out there, dlowan. I have no problem with addressing it.

Well dlowan, are you trying to tell me you didn't bait me? Are you trying to tell me you didn't know about what I said in that other site when you posed these questions to me?

I am not sure by what criteria you consider a public web site to be "private conversation".

Here is a fact.

What you write on a public website is not private conversation.

I remain interested in whether you believe you are in some sort of crusade here against the forces of evil and the devil?

This is relevant to a "christian whoppers" thread since I do not think that is how you have presented yourself here.

I am especially intrigued as to whether you believe you are on the right side in a war against we evil folk, because it does not really go well with your hurt complaints that people do not respect your opinions, does it?

First of all, I don't recall calling anyone "you evil folk." If I did, can you point it out to me? I'm always going to think God is on the right side, dlowan. God, not me. I don't care if you respect my opinion. I want you to respect the right that I have to one and just let it go when I say we can agree to disagree and stop forcing it down my throat like I get accused of doing with religion. It goes both ways and I know that.

Seeing us as tools of the devil is a tad suggestive that you do not have respect for our beliefs, does it not?

Well, that would depend, now wouldn't dlowan? I guess that would depend on exactly who I might think would be a tool of the devil. Just so you know, I have never had that thought about you.

I don't see that as an especial problem if you are honest (most people think some watered down version of this about their ideas, but mebbe most can at least laugh at it?) though I, of course, think it daft....so it goes....

Nimh has captured my quarrel with you here:


There is no need to dramatise it as hurt feelings and such.

I simply think it very dishonest, and it irks me.

Well, I understand that. I have told the truth in my explanation of the situation. I have told what I did, why I did it, and am willing to take responsibility for it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:38 pm
None of it is about me MOAN, it's all about your lies. You have said that you don't recruit here, and that you don't send people here from elsewhere--and both of those things are proven to be lies in your own posts.

Hoist of your own petard . . .
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:41 pm

Duh? That's your proof? Good gravy. Rolling Eyes

What do you want, blood? Perhaps you keep skipping over the part where I say I take responsibility for what I did?
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:43 pm
So what if you take responsibility for what you did--that doesn't alter that you lied about it. Given that, why should we ever believe anything you tell us again?
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:45 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Is it just my imagination, or has there been an influx of members with the same mindset as Setanta et al of late?

That would be your imagination. More evident here in the S & R forum has been a recent statistically anamolous influx of assorted religionists. Proponents for various fairytales have been represented - not Christian alone, but to them goes the quantitative edge. Qualitatively, all seem to be much of the same cloth.

Interesting, though not at all surprising, is that some of the newcomers, hardlining their own screed against what they perceive to be intolerance directed toward their particular beliefs, seem bent on achieving local celebrity status, which status some of the longer-term members appear at once eagerly to convey and outragedly to decry. Folks is funny critters.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 04:48 pm

I did not lie about it when you accused me of it. I was not doing it when you accused me of it. I did post that in spirit warrior long after you accused me of it. I have admitted that. I said I would even accept it is a lie by ommission that I did not come back and say, "Hey, ok, now I'm doing it."

Personally, Setanta, whether you believe anything I say or not doesn't concern me much. You have treated me with nothing but contempt from nearly the second I said I was a Christian. So, trust me, I am not losing sleep over you. I do not hate you and at times have thought you quite charming.

And for the umpteenth time! I am not responsible for any religious person signing up on A2K! How many times do I have to say that?Ask them, ask any one of them. They know I want the truth out so ask them. If they signed up because of what I posted in that other forum I have no idea of it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 05:06 pm
How do we know that? We have only learned about the lies you have told because someone else tracked it down and busted you for it. You'd still be peddling those lies if you hadn't been busted. So why should we believe you now? Look at the language you used at the other site--the vicious comments about members here, and the calls to armor oneself and make war. You're seriously delusional, and no one here ever has any reason to ever believe a thing that you say again.

You can attempt to make this a personal thing relating to me if you wish--but there are plenty of others here who now despise you. You can bet this will haunt you for as long as you are here--and i certainly am not going to sit on this information when i see you up to your tricks again. You've soiled your nest here--you can try to make me out to be the bad guy if you like, but you destroyed the trust of people here, and you did it quite well without any help from me.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 05:08 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Is it just my imagination, or has there been an influx of members with the same mindset as Setanta et al of late?

Not that I noticed ... on the 'secular side', so to say, it seems mostly to be the old, familar faces of veteran members. There's been a striking addition or two to what I would call the loonie left here (sorry, Magginkat, Anon), but I haven seen those mix it up in the religion threads yet.

Lots of new Christian/Muslim contributors tho, like Timber said, and of disappointing ability to articulate their views coherently, I will add.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 05:11 pm
It's a self-fulfilling thing, in that the more active these categories are, the more they attract people via Google.

The people they attract are more likely to have an agenda than be reacting to an agenda (or how that agenda is presented).
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 05:16 pm
Agreed - as the forum grows, it grows its own engine of growth. Still, you'd think at least once in a while an articulate religionist oughtta show up - I mean, there hata be some out there, right?
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