Momma Angel wrote:Throughout my life I have found prayer to be comforting, calming, and healing, whether it be just by taking the time to do it, meditate on it, or it being answered.[/b]
Thank you...that is exactly how I feel about prayer. Back in the day when I used to "pray", I felt so good about myself--practically a saint in my own eyes. It was wonderful! I could go to bed at night and feel like I had done something to help some poor unfortunate soul who was lacking in something...bread, water, a roof over their head, feet, name it! By sending my prayers to the wind, I thought I was helping to save the world.
All I had to do was close my eyes and ask "god" to fix things, thereby removing all responsibility from me. If the subjects of my prayers did not have their suffering alleviated, I could just mutter to myself that "god has his reasons" and leave it at that--I had done my part. If their suffering were alleviated, I could puff up with self-righteous pride, knowing that
my prayers had done their trick.
Then one day I had a revelation...I realized that the praying was all about good it made
me feel, how comforting it was to
me, how unselfish
I was in others' eyes, how
I was regarded by those whose good opinion of
me I valued and required and how it relieved
me of the burden of taking action to help in a real way.
We could pray night and day for eternity and I don't believe for a moment it would help a single Iraqi. It is only by doing that we can help them....