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the Big-Bang a Religious Hoax?
Huascar Terra do Valle
Science is the opposite of religion. Right? No! Wrong! Religion is always trying to infiltrate into religion. Sometimes it succeeds. For instance, in the Big Bang theory.
Today it is almost unanimous among the orthodox astronomers and astrophysics that the world was created some 12 billions ago from a magnificent explosion of a primodial atom. In a few seconds, as the theory goes, all the universe was created from this primordial explosion. From the energy of this fantastic explosion all matter has been created, according to Einstein's theory that matter is energy and vice-versa. Even space and time have been created by this explosion.
There are some astronomers, as Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold and Herman Bondi, that don't accept the Big Bang theory. They rather believe in a steady-state universe. Regretfully they are the losers in the academic establishment.
To some nonbelievers, like me, the Big Bang theory seems just a disguised version of the Bible creation, when Jehovah said "Fiat Lux", and the universe was created. So far as I am concerned, in spite of the beautiful mathematical formulas of the scholars, I can't accept that this indescribably immense universe has been originated from a single atom (or from a fireball the size of a baseball), all of a sudden, out of nothing. I would rather believe in Santa Claus.
How did such strange idea infiltrate into science? Science began some centuries before Christ, in Classical Greece, when some brilliant minds began to analyse the world free from the shackles of religion. Pitagoras discovered that mathematics rule the world. Leucippus and Democritus figured out that all matter is made of atoms. Hippocrates and Galen robbed Medicine from the priests. Aristaco de Samos found out that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not otherwise. Another Greek scholar measured the distance from the Earth to the Moon and missed by only 200 kilometers. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle abandoned the fables of Greek Mythology in favor of secular Philosophy.
Unfortunately this wonderful beginning was checked by the wide acceptance of the Christian cosmology based in the Bible. Europe remained in the intellectual darkness of Christendom for more than a millennium. The world was only to be awakened by the study of the pagan Greek classics (Renaissance and Humanism).
During more than a millennium the Roman Church has been accustomed to being owner of the truth. The Bible and the pope were declared infallible and those who dared to disagree were considered heretics and condemned to terrible tortures before being sent to the stake. This happened, among thousands, to Giordano Bruno, in the year 1600.
The Church didn't like when, after the Renaissance and after the religious liberty provided by the Protestant revolution, science exploded, explaining all the phenomena of nature without the help of the Bible, not to say of a god. Much to the contrary! Among dozens of discoveries that defied the authority of the Bible, Copernicus and Galileo dethroned the Earth from the center of the universe and Darwin showed that there are not fixed species and that man, instead of being a replica of God, is just a sophisticated ape.
It has not been comfortable for the Catholic Church to lose her authority as a source of truth. The Church never accepted being relegated to a second position. The Roman Church, under the guidance of Pope Pius XI, decided that she could no longer remain away from the debate of the origin of the universe. After all, she had the age-old cosmology of the Genesis to defend.
In the 20's a conference on Cosmology was held in the Vatican, in the Pontificia Academia de Scienza di Roma. The intention was that the Vatican should have a word in the academic establishment on scientific matters. The pope Pius XI decided that the Church had also to make science within the Vatican. Georges Lemaître, a monk with a great knowledge on theology and mathematics, was designated to study Einstein's and other scientist's ideas, with the explicit intention of selling the Roman Church's cosmology.
In 1927 Lemaître, inspired by the Bible's cosmology, developed a theory that the universe began from an explosion of a "primordial atom" (whatever it is). George Gamow follow suit developing the idea that all the constituents of the universe have been created in the first few minutes after the big bang, and Alan Guth, from Cornell University, authored the inflation theory of the Universe, according to which "the entire universe is supposed to have grown from an almost infinitesimal bubble of space, only one trillionth the size of a proton" (apud Herbert Friedman, "The Astronomer's Universe", 1998). Certainly both scientists swallowed Lemaître's bait and gave scientific credibility to the Bible version by elaborating on the beginning of the universe through a primordial explosion.
Hawking also helped to advance the Bible's