Cyracuz wrote:Whos experience? Our experience, though it would be accurate to say experience and leave it at that.
I can't imagine why you'd want to leave it at that, since that doesn't make any sense. But let me try to break down your argument to show why it doesn't make any sense:
You say that the boundaries between the "I" and the "Not-I" are undefinable, and you state that you know that because of your experience. But if those boundaries are undefinable, then it follows that your experience of undefinability may not be your experience at all, but rather that of someone else. If that is the case, though, then how can you be confident that this experience of undefinability is reliable, since you can't determine if that experience is yours or someone else's, and you have no basis for judging the reliability of someone else's experience?
Cyracuz wrote:And wether or not experience is reliable cannot be answered, because experience is our sole vessel of information. A variable though, is how we remember experience. There are more beneficial ways and less beneficial ways.
I could understand if someone else said that one's
own experience is reliable, but since you claim that the boundaries between the "I" and the "Not-I" are undefinable, then you cannot claim to be relying on your own experience, since you can't even determine where the boundary lies between your experience and someone else's experience.
Cyracuz wrote:But can you honestly say that you've never done things because smeone else did, or someone else told you to? Did you never make a compromise with a loved one?
Of course, but then I've never claimed that such outside influences compromised the integrity of my self. Just because I might be influenced by outside forces doesn't mean that those forces are somehow a part of my self. Just because a river's course is channelled by its banks doesn't mean that the banks and the river are indistinguishable.
Cyracuz wrote:My existence is not owned by just me, was the point I was trying to make with the last remark.
I have no idea what "owning" one's existence means.