Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:32 am
Okay. Hitler was an extreme right-wing and the NSDAP's policy was extreme right-wing.

Actually, I now (as of today) can say that I've definitely seen and read more sources about it than you. (Only the last couple of days I've read through some dozen hundred of pages of party meeting minutes, protocols, statements, private letters etc )
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:37 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Okay. Hitler was an extreme right-wing and the NSDAP's policy was extreme right-wing.

Never mind the fact you have no evidence, Walter. If you could cite some evidence, go ahead.

Actually, I now (as of today) can say that I've definitely seen and read more sources about it than you. (Only the last couple of days I've read through some dozen hundred of pages of party meeting minutes, protocols, statements, private letters etc )

Wonderful, I hope you learn alot.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:44 am
okie said
Wonderful, I hope you learn alot.
your sense of irony is indeed ironical.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:47 am
okie wrote:

Wonderful, I hope you learn alot.

At least I do know enough to proof read encyclopaedia articles about that time period.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:53 am
okie wrote:
Never mind the fact you have no evidence, Walter. If you could cite some evidence, go ahead.

Irony, thy name is "okie".
old europe
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:57 am
okie wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Okay. Hitler was an extreme right-wing and the NSDAP's policy was extreme right-wing.

Never mind the fact you have no evidence, Walter. If you could cite some evidence, go ahead.

What would be the point? You've been arguing that the fact that the NSDAP ran on an anti-Marxist platform and that the Nazis, as soon as they were in power, persecuted and killed Communists and Socialists was evidence that the NSDAP was a socialist party.

Using your reasoning, McCarthy was a bloody commie. You've started out with a conclusion, and no evidence whatsoever is going to make you re-evaluate your beliefs.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:58 am
DrewDad wrote:

okie wrote:
Never mind the fact you have no evidence, Walter. If you could cite some evidence, go ahead.

Irony, thy name is "okie".

Well, I know some other terms for that.
High Seas
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 12:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Hitler's book is available in English translation, in case anyone wants to read it:
It's a pretty bad translation, though of course from a badly written original. There may be a better one somewhere. Walter - can you confirm that the book can't be legally sold in Germany? But it's legal to read it on the internet? Not sure how that kind of restriction works, or is enforced.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 03:21 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

okie wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Okay. Hitler was an extreme right-wing and the NSDAP's policy was extreme right-wing.

Never mind the fact you have no evidence, Walter. If you could cite some evidence, go ahead.

What would be the point? You've been arguing that the fact that the NSDAP ran on an anti-Marxist platform and that the Nazis, as soon as they were in power, persecuted and killed Communists and Socialists was evidence that the NSDAP was a socialist party.

Using your reasoning, McCarthy was a bloody commie. You've started out with a conclusion, and no evidence whatsoever is going to make you re-evaluate your beliefs.

What nonsense! Socialists can fight socialists, Socialists fight communists, fascists have fought communists and those on the right. Evidence, Hitler fought Russia, and he fought us, so how does that fit your stupid reasoning, oe. Fact is, it has no basis, it means nothing.

The point is you need to look at Hitler's beliefs and political philosophy, not who he opposed. He would have liked to kill anyone besides himself that threatened his power. According your reasoning, Obama is a conservative because he opposed Clinton, a liberal. I think actually Stalin was rather surprised Hitler attacked them, I think he thought they were more birds of a feather than for example, Stalin and Churchill.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 03:28 pm
okie wrote:

The point is you need to look at Hitler's beliefs and political philosophy, not who he opposed.

I take any bet that oe did such.

Why in God's name don't you try it, okie, too? Only just the basics. Please.
(And don't come with the two books you read, in English. Or some obscure websites. Hitler's beliefs and "philosophy" [how did you get that, by the way?].)
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 03:29 pm
Okie - I just posted a link to Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" in English translation; please take a look, you'll probably agree with Walter and me, among others, the guy was no leftist.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 03:29 pm
okie wrote:

parados wrote:

You don't seem to understand the quote or the parts you left out of it okie..

Replacement of universal and equal suffrage by an appropriate class or plural voting franchise; the simultaneous conversion to a parliamentary system that recognizes the personal accomplishments of the educated and the propertied in the realm of political work....

Obviously it wasn't to create a system where all were equal but rather it was to create a voting system where those with property and education ran the government.

I saw that, Parados, and I think we could debate the meaning of that until the cows come home, but notice it says "political work." It is the elite political class, and I could point out that members of the communist party have alot more sway in communist countries, not saying this is an indication of a communist document, but just merely pointing out that this particular statement does not at all indicate a right wing philosophy, I think it rather argues for a leftist leaning direction. It seeks to do away with the equal rights of individuals, and gives it to the political elite for the good of the state, not the individual, which is not a conservative idea at all. I think the key to the statement is it relates to the "realm of political work."

So if the "realm of political work" recognizes the personal accomplishments of those with property, how does that relate to communism? It recognizes their accomplishments. It says nothing about taking their property from them. No one reading that statement could possibly think it means they will lose their property if their personal accomplishments are recognized. (Except you of course.)
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 04:28 pm
@High Seas,
Just a minor PS to Walter - hope he'll answer my query on the linked post. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 04:33 pm
@High Seas,
Get it straight HS. Hitler was as LEFT as left gets.

He wanted the trains to run on time for ****'s sake.
High Seas
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 04:37 pm
Well at least he never claimed, as Stalin did, that one of his countrymen invented the locomotive Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 05:17 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

Okie - I just posted a link to Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" in English translation; please take a look, you'll probably agree with Walter and me, among others, the guy was no leftist.

High Seas, I printed it out many weeks ago and have read it. I have quoted it here. I have looked at his philosophy and have concluded that he advocated a right wing form of socialism, which is his Nazism or fascism, a hybrid of right wing conservative free market society crossed with socialism or collectivist ideas. I have stated much of this over and over and over, and I have cited quotes from Mein Kampf. I can keep doing it, if that is what is necessary to convince people. I have tried to get Walter, oe, and others to actually cite evidence in Hitler's philosophy or in the Nazi Party 25 points that indicate a right wing philosophy, but so far they fail to do much of anything. They instead try to tell me I am not as smart as they are, and obfuscate the subject with historical points that really do not tell us much, or they tell me I have to read and talk in German to understand anything about Hitler, Nazism, etc.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 05:20 pm
okie, The problem is not with Walter or oe; it's your inability to read something, then translate what you read into your posts which doesn't resemble the original meaning of what is written. Your interpretations doesn't even come close; most often the opposite of what's written.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 09:21 pm
I have tried to get Walter, oe, and others to actually cite evidence in Hitler's philosophy or in the Nazi Party 25 points that indicate a right wing philosophy, but so far they fail to do much of anything.

Not true. You have simply ignored most of the points that have been made.

You focus on the 25-point manifesto from 1920 and a couple of re-interpreted sentences from Mein Kampf, to the exclusion of virtually everything that the Nazis actually did once they were in power. There's no doubt that in the early days of the party, some members of the DAP envisioned the party to fight for some kind of 'nationalist version' of Marx's socialism. Even if the party program reflects that, you never even examine how much of the program - which wasn't written by Hitler alone - was actually implemented after the Machtergreifung in 1933.

Add to that that you have ignored the fact that, as Hitler became more and more powerful within the party, the party elite openly derided the party program*. You have ignored the fact that in 1928, Hitler personally clarified parts of the party program, effectively nixing the idea of expropriating individuals for the benefit of the community**. You have ignored the fact that, when confronted by the left wing of the party about this change to the party program, he declared that he wasn't "insane" and that he had absolutely no intention of destroying the economy by socializing the means of production***. You have ignored the fact that in 1930, the left wing of the NSDAP, led by Otto Strasser, not only left the party, but published a letter in their newspapers titled Die Sozialisten verlassen die NSDAP (the socialists are leaving the NSDAP) which openly criticized Hitler for ignoring the party program, for being to close to industrialists, capitalists and the bourgeoisie and for ignoring the common people. You have ignored the increasing NSDAP propaganda and agitation against Marxism, and you have ignored Hitler's speeches where he promised to fight Marxism "ruthlessly with all, even the outermost extreme measures... until the complete destruction and extermination".****

The fact has been brought up that the NSDAP formed a coalition with parties on the right side of the spectrum, including the catholic Centre Party (Zentrum) and the right wing nationalist DNVP (Deutschnationale Volkspartei, the German National People's Party). You have ignored that as well.

In the night where the Reichstag burned down, the NSDAP immediately blamed the Communists, without even waiting for an investigation. The Reichstagsbrandverordnung was prefaced "[...] zur Abwehr kommunistischer staatsgefährdender Gewaltakte" ("... for the defense against communist seditious acts of violence"). If, as you claim, Hitler was truly a socialist, then you have failed to explained why the Nazis would blame somebody on their own side of the political spectrum rather than conservatives or nationalists.

I have posted a link to a paper that showed that, while the Nazis implemented extensive regulations and controls for the private sector, Germany saw a higher proportion of privatization proceeds compared to fiscal revenues than at any other point in its history. Your reaction was to claim that this supported the thesis that Hitler was a socialist. Socialism, according to Marx, is a phase in the transition from capitalism to communism - the collective ownership of the means of production -, where the people, via the state, expropriate the ruling class and nationalize the land and the means of production. If Hitler was a socialist, you have so far failed to explain why he did the exact opposite.

* Wie zynisch zumindest an der Spitze die Programmgrundsätze mißachtet wurden, erfuhr einer der jungen enthusiastischen Überläufer zur Partei im Gespräch mit Goebbels; auf die Bemerkung, daß Feders Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft doch ein Element des Sozialismus enthalte, bekam er zur Antwort, brechen müsse höchstens der, der diesen Unsinn anhöre. (Fest, Hitler, p. 393)

** On April 13, 1928, Adolf Hitler clarified section seventeen in the programme in order to stop political mischaracterizations:

"Gegenüber den verlogenen Auslegungen des Punktes 17 des Programms der NSDAP von seiten unserer Gegner ist folgende Feststellung notwendig: Da die NSDAP auf dem Boden des Privateigentums steht, ergibt sich von selbst, daß der Passus 'Unentgeltliche Enteignung' nur auf die Schaffung gesetzlicher Möglichkeiten Bezug hat, Boden, der auf unrechtmäßige Weise erworben wurde oder nicht nach den Gesichtspunkten des Volkswohls verwaltet wird, wenn nötig, zu enteignen. Dies richtet sich demgemäß in erster Linie gegen die jüdischen Grundspekulationsgesellschaften."

"Because of the mendacious interpretations on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the programme of the NSDAP, the following explanation is necessary.: Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression 'confiscation without compensation' refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.

*** Als Strasser ihm nach bewegter Diskussion die Kardinalfrage stellte, ob im Falle einer Machtübernahme die Produktionsverhältnisse unverändert blieben, antwortete Hitler: "Aber selbstverständlich. Glauben Sie denn, ich bin wahnsinnig, die Wirtschaft zu zerstören? Nur wenn die Leute nicht im Interesse der Nation handeln würden, dann würde der Staat eingreifen. Dazu bedarf es aber keiner Enteignung und keines Mitbestimmungsrechtes." (Fest, Hitler, p. 392)

**** Hitler, der vorgab den Inhalt der Boxheimer Papiere nicht zu kennen, bekräftigte deren Absicht, als er am 26. Januar 1932 in einer Rede vor 300 rheinischen Industriellen, den "unerbittlichen Entschluß" unterstrich, "den Marxismus bis zur letzten Wurzel in Deutschland auszurotten"7. Bereits ein Jahr zuvor hatte er sich gegenüber Friedrich Fürst Wend zu Eulenburg-Herzefeld ähnlich geäußert, wie der Großgrundbesitzer unverzüglich für seinesgleichen vervielfältigte: "Den Kampf gegne den Marxismus fürhre ich rücksichtslos mit allen, auch den alleräußersten Mitteln... bis zur välligen Vernichtung und Ausrottung."8 (System der NS-Konzentrationslager: 1933-1939, Drobisch, Wieland, p. 14)
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 09:57 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

I have tried to get Walter, oe, and others to actually cite evidence in Hitler's philosophy or in the Nazi Party 25 points that indicate a right wing philosophy, but so far they fail to do much of anything.

Not true. You have simply ignored most of the points that have been made.

You focus on the 25-point manifesto from 1920 and a couple of re-interpreted sentences from Mein Kampf, to the exclusion of virtually everything that the Nazis actually did once they were in power. There's no doubt that in the early days of the party, some members of the DAP envisioned the party to fight for some kind of 'nationalist version' of Marx's socialism.

Now there is quite an admission, oe, you now admit the original intent or early days of the party as envisioned by at least some members of the party was a nationalist version of Marxian socialism! You have made quite an admission, and I think you are going to have to really stretch the limit to try to prove Hitler and the party did exactly the opposite.

Even if the party program reflects that, you never even examine how much of the program - which wasn't written by Hitler alone - was actually implemented after the Machtergreifung in 1933.
Okay, maybe, but let us take a comparison, the Democrats run a president on a platform, which is liberal, but you are then going to try to make an argument that maybe the platform was altered somewhat or never enacted, or he changed his mind on a few things, therefore that candidate's political philosophy was not liberal? I think you are backing yourself into a big corner, oe. For example, what if Obama's health care reform does not pass, Obama decides to quit for now and not try to pass it, does that mean Obama never wanted the reform, absolutely not in my opinion. I think Obama favors alot of things, but only part of it will be done.

Add to that that you have ignored the fact that, as Hitler became more and more powerful within the party, the party elite openly derided the party program*.
That doesn't tell me anything. Derided what and how much of it, I doubt they threw the entire thing out and made an about face.

You have ignored the fact that in 1928, Hitler personally clarified parts of the party program, effectively nixing the idea of expropriating individuals for the benefit of the community**. You have ignored the fact that, when confronted by the left wing of the party about this change to the party program, he declared that he wasn't "insane" and that he had absolutely no intention of destroying the economy by socializing the means of production***.
If that is true, I will take your word for it, it perhaps does not indicate he did not want to do it, he just thought it should wait. Obama would love to raise taxes now, but he knows he can't for a while until the economy improves.
You have ignored the fact that in 1930, the left wing of the NSDAP, led by Otto Strasser, not only left the party, but published a letter in their newspapers titled Die Sozialisten verlassen die NSDAP (the socialists are leaving the NSDAP) which openly criticized Hitler for ignoring the party program, for being to close to industrialists, capitalists and the bourgeoisie and for ignoring the common people. You have ignored the increasing NSDAP propaganda and agitation against Marxism, and you have ignored Hitler's speeches where he promised to fight Marxism "ruthlessly with all, even the outermost extreme measures... until the complete destruction and extermination".****

Sure, we know that, but fighting Marxism does not place Hitler at the right end of the spectrum, it only pushes him somewhat right, a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. Hitler also fought free countries and political philosophies to the right of his, such as America and Great Britain, oe.

The fact has been brought up that the NSDAP formed a coalition with parties on the right side of the spectrum, including the catholic Centre Party (Zentrum) and the right wing nationalist DNVP (Deutschnationale Volkspartei, the German National People's Party). You have ignored that as well.

In the night where the Reichstag burned down, the NSDAP immediately blamed the Communists, without even waiting for an investigation. The Reichstagsbrandverordnung was prefaced "[...] zur Abwehr kommunistischer staatsgefährdender Gewaltakte" ("... for the defense against communist seditious acts of violence"). If, as you claim, Hitler was truly a socialist, then you have failed to explained why the Nazis would blame somebody on their own side of the political spectrum rather than conservatives or nationalists.

I think the explanation is easy, the Reichstag incident was planned and executed as a means to seize power from those that stood in their way. Such a ploy is common for leftists to do, read Alinsky's rules for radicals, and it is eery how some of the same crap is advocated years later in different places. They will use it against the opposition, whether to the left or to the right.


I have posted a link to a paper that showed that, while the Nazis implemented extensive regulations and controls for the private sector, Germany saw a higher proportion of privatization proceeds compared to fiscal revenues than at any other point in its history. Your reaction was to claim that this supported the thesis that Hitler was a socialist. Socialism, according to Marx, is a phase in the transition from capitalism to communism - the collective ownership of the means of production -, where the people, via the state, expropriate the ruling class and nationalize the land and the means of production. If Hitler was a socialist, you have so far failed to explain why he did the exact opposite.

Perhaps this is the reason Hitler and nazism could be viewed as to the right side of the brands of socialism experienced, but it doesn't prove or indicate that Hitler is on the right, in context with what we consider right or conservative today. That is I think what Jonah Goldberg points out in his book, with abundant evidence to support it. I do not think Hitler did the exact opposite at all. The government can exert control over capitalism and free markets even if they do not directly own the means of production. They can still control it by being in bed with and regulating every aspect of industries. That is in fact what Obama is right now attempting to do, to move toward more of that. He is so far not advocating the outright government ownership of the means of production, but you don't have to go that far to be a leftist, oe, I have been trying to explain this to you.

* Wie zynisch zumindest an der Spitze die Programmgrundsätze mißachtet wurden, erfuhr einer der jungen enthusiastischen Überläufer zur Partei im Gespräch mit Goebbels; auf die Bemerkung, daß Feders Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft doch ein Element des Sozialismus enthalte, bekam er zur Antwort, brechen müsse höchstens der, der diesen Unsinn anhöre. (Fest, Hitler, p. 393)

** On April 13, 1928, Adolf Hitler clarified section seventeen in the programme in order to stop political mischaracterizations:

"Gegenüber den verlogenen Auslegungen des Punktes 17 des Programms der NSDAP von seiten unserer Gegner ist folgende Feststellung notwendig: Da die NSDAP auf dem Boden des Privateigentums steht, ergibt sich von selbst, daß der Passus 'Unentgeltliche Enteignung' nur auf die Schaffung gesetzlicher Möglichkeiten Bezug hat, Boden, der auf unrechtmäßige Weise erworben wurde oder nicht nach den Gesichtspunkten des Volkswohls verwaltet wird, wenn nötig, zu enteignen. Dies richtet sich demgemäß in erster Linie gegen die jüdischen Grundspekulationsgesellschaften."

"Because of the mendacious interpretations on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the programme of the NSDAP, the following explanation is necessary.: Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression 'confiscation without compensation' refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.

*** Als Strasser ihm nach bewegter Diskussion die Kardinalfrage stellte, ob im Falle einer Machtübernahme die Produktionsverhältnisse unverändert blieben, antwortete Hitler: "Aber selbstverständlich. Glauben Sie denn, ich bin wahnsinnig, die Wirtschaft zu zerstören? Nur wenn die Leute nicht im Interesse der Nation handeln würden, dann würde der Staat eingreifen. Dazu bedarf es aber keiner Enteignung und keines Mitbestimmungsrechtes." (Fest, Hitler, p. 392)

**** Hitler, der vorgab den Inhalt der Boxheimer Papiere nicht zu kennen, bekräftigte deren Absicht, als er am 26. Januar 1932 in einer Rede vor 300 rheinischen Industriellen, den "unerbittlichen Entschluß" unterstrich, "den Marxismus bis zur letzten Wurzel in Deutschland auszurotten"7. Bereits ein Jahr zuvor hatte er sich gegenüber Friedrich Fürst Wend zu Eulenburg-Herzefeld ähnlich geäußert, wie der Großgrundbesitzer unverzüglich für seinesgleichen vervielfältigte: "Den Kampf gegne den Marxismus fürhre ich rücksichtslos mit allen, auch den alleräußersten Mitteln... bis zur välligen Vernichtung und Ausrottung."8 (System der NS-Konzentrationslager: 1933-1939, Drobisch, Wieland, p. 14)

So if I interpret it, Hitler came around to advocate confiscation of property only in some instances? If so, that does not seem to indicate a complete about face.

Again, the argument that Hitler battled Marxism, sure I agree, but this is far from proving he is on the right side of the spectrum. One of the primary reasons he opposed Marxists I believe is because Hitler believed in nationalism, not an international practice of Marx, and he also opposed Jews because he thought they represented the evils of capitalists, etc.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 12:23 am
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:
There may be a better one somewhere. Walter - can you confirm that the book can't be legally sold in Germany? But it's legal to read it on the internet? Not sure how that kind of restriction works, or is enforced.

No, I can't insure that.

The book can't be reprinted due to copyright reasons (many countries though don't bother about that, like the USA, the UK, Israel, Turkey, to name a few), which are hold by the Freestate of Bavaria.
So you can get it here just in antique book shops or in libraries.

To own it read it isn't illegal at all. (3 StR 182/79 (S); BGHSt 29, 73 ff.)

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