Drewdad, I agree with you about the evils of men. And I will not argue that men can and will be dishonest and abuse others as capitalists. However, this is important to consider, I believe as our founders believed that because of the tendencies of human nature - it is infinitely unwise to place into the hands of government, essentially giving them a monopoly on everything, commerce, and your own personal decisions. If man retains the right to earn and keep what he earns, and to spend how he pleases, this will not eliminate corruption but it will provide a better check and balance over it, simply by virtue of the fact that you have choices over who you do business with. For example, if a lawyer is crooked, the people find out and avoid that person. If a store charges unfair prices, you go somewhere else. If an employee is not dependable, you hire someone else. If an employer is unfair, you have the choice of getting another job.
Life is not perfect, capitalism is not perfect, but it is infinitely better than placing everything into the hands of a monopoly, a politburo, or whatever.
So, I believe communism is inherently evil, simply because it usurps individual rights and liberty in the so-called and unrealistic hope of fairness, social justice, equality, and equality of outcome.
The really important thing about our government as constituted, it was intended to protect us from each other, it should not end up us having to guard ourselves from it, which is what it is becoming. Thats like the fox guarding the henhouse, it does not work. We do need rules and laws to protect us from each other, like a referee of a game, but the referee should not be playing the game.