@old europe,
Apparently you got the right answer, it was Hitler, although I did change the word "comrade" to "citizen." It was quoted from Mein Kampf.
I have read most of Mein Kampf more than once, and as I said once before, Hitler was one mixed up dude, so his writing is not very good, in my opinion. He is wordy and writes convoluted sentences.
My interpretation of his philosophy was that he did study and learn a great deal of Marxism, and even had some admiration of it, but differed in that he thought Marxism was going toward internationalism, with the Jews in charge of it all. I think he borrowed some of the ideas, such as a hatred of "capitalism" and "greed," but he wanted to tailor his utopia to a perfect race of people, the "folks" in Germany instead of the Jews, etc.
I believe Hitler clearly believed the State should be the arbitor of fairness, not the free market, and so he clearly was a leftist in this regard, a socialist, to put it bluntly. Socially, the folks, as a nation, as a whole, or the COMMON GOOD was to be the primary measure of fairness, as determined by the state, not free markets or freedom. The evidence for this is abundant and clear, not only in the writings of Mein Kampf, but in the Nazi 25 points. And Hitler clearly believed those 25 points were not to be watered down, they were to be defended and believed even if it meant fighting to the death to do it.
Basically, I think he had a form of nationalistic socialism, where the state was all powerful, to enforce his vision of fairness and greatness.
Actually, Obama is trying to adopt a few fascist ideas into this country. He sees the State as the ultimate arbitor of lots more things than previous presidents could even imagine, what wages we should make, what profits are appropriate for individuals, for doctors, for businesses, what medical care we should receive, what kind of car we should drive, what fuel we should use, what we should learn in school, what kind of organizations we should volunteer for, the list is endless. Look for it, forced volunteerism. Obama is appointing czars left and right, it is in fact very troubling how much control Obama thinks he should have over every facet of everybody's life, to institute a society he envisions as more fair than the one we have now.