Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 12:53 pm
Goldwater is entitled to his opinion, he could be correct to a point, Nixon was dishonest, but I doubt he was the most dishonest man that Goldwater ever met. That would take in too many people, frankly, to believe it. To repeat, I was never a fan of Nixon, not when he ran for president, and not after he was president. I do think however that the program to scuttle Nixon, could have been done to other presidents for similar stuff as Watergate, but Nixon was a man that the press loved to hate. I did not particularly like the guy, but I don't think he was as bad as the press loved to portray him as.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 12:56 pm
Okie said
I doubt he was the most dishonest man that Goldwater ever met.
So, using your past posted logic Goldwater was a liar?
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 12:58 pm
No, he was no liar, he was only expressing an opinion that cannot be verified, nor is it real logical. I could call you the most dishonest person I have ever met, but only the Good Lord knows for sure.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 01:00 pm
Acknowledging your post Hamburger re Nixon trying to get a national health insurance plan passed. He might have succeeded except for a hostile Democrat controlled Congress that wasn't about to allow him to get credit for much of anything significant, at least for those things they could control. That much has not changed in American politics for a lot of decades now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 01:10 pm
okie wrote:

No, he was no liar, he was only expressing an opinion that cannot be verified, nor is it real logical. I could call you the most dishonest person I have ever met, but only the Good Lord knows for sure.
well Okie, not only am I the most dishonest person you never meet I am also a liar and otiose. I'm sure you know that because I am a self-professed liberal/atheist.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 01:29 pm
Sure, sure. Let me know when you have something of substance to say.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 01:33 pm
And he did lie about me. And seems to be bragging about it with his sig line. Smile
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:06 pm
Don't worry about me believing it, Foxfyre, he has little credibility with me. I am being foolish to even answer some of his posts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:15 pm
Somebody told me that they saw President Nixon walking along the road near Marble Arch and a bus load of American tourists all got off the bus and applauded him.

I liked him. I read Six Crises years ago.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:24 pm
Nixon had his virtues as all of our Presidents have had their virtues. And really if you think about it, I think his efforts to cover up the Watergate incident might not have been seen as rising to the status of high crimes and misdemeanors if he had not been so deeply hated and mistrusted by so many members of Congress who would have used any available means to oust him.

He did have an unattractive side and he did play fast and loose with the Constitution which some thought was even to the point that he violated his oath of office. I was a registered Democrat in those days but was torn about what to believe about the things that were said about him.

In reading the history after the fact though, I do believe he was a power hungry so and so very much like the current occupant in the White House.
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:28 pm
Foxfyre, I was not being flippant when I said one of the big reasons that leftists were out to get Nixon is because of the Rosenbergs. Plus, Nixon was not a real likable personality, he was known as "Tricky Dick."
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:31 pm
I know. "Tricky Dicky" was one of the more charitable nicknames for him. Smile
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:34 pm
With both hands by the side of his head with two fingers sticking up: "I am not a crook."

How can we forget?
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:53 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

With both hands by the side of his head with two fingers sticking up: "I am not a crook."

How can we forget?

How can we forget every time Obama makes some ridiculous claim as well. You have already acknowledged he lied to you, but somehow you continue to defend the guy. Weird, is all I can say.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 03:11 pm
okie wrote:
How can we forget every time Obama makes some ridiculous claim as well.

Okay, okie, list them for us? You know, those "ridiculous claims" by Obama.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:02 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

okie wrote:
How can we forget every time Obama makes some ridiculous claim as well.

Okay, okie, list them for us? You know, those "ridiculous claims" by Obama.

Too many to list. Just yesterday or so, it was reported Obama essentially claimed there was no pork or pet projects in the stimulus bill. Is he delusional? The whole thing was pork, or is pork.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 10:49 am
okie wrote:
Too many to list. Just yesterday or so, it was reported Obama essentially claimed there was no pork or pet projects in the stimulus bill. Is he delusional? The whole thing was pork, or is pork.

You made a statement:
Obama essentially claimed there was no pork or pet projects in the stimulus bill.

Please provide what part of the stimulus bill has pork or pet projects? Your just saying so has no credibility. You are welcome to copy and paste directly from the stimulus bill.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 10:55 am
@cicerone imposter,
I'm beginning to understand why you graduated at the top of your class; your teachers never asked you to produce proof for your opinions.

"Too many to list" doesn't cut it with most teachers.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 11:00 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I'm beginning to understand why you graduated at the top of your class; your teachers never asked you to produce proof for your opinions.

"Too many to list" doesn't cut it with most teachers.

Again, to correct ci, salutatorian is second, not top. A girl beat me out. And that was grade school. In high school, two girls beat me out. Look it up in the distionary, or here, I did it for you:


"The student with the second highest academic rank in a class who delivers the salutatory at graduation exercises."

P.S. You are not my teacher, ci.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 11:05 am
Still doesn't explain how you "managed" to graduate in the "top" of your class.

You see, "top" means uppermost part.

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