Well - I am definitely Christian - though it be frowned upon a lot these days.

Tsar - these pants are sad. I should retire them - but I can't seem to let them go - so - I will keep on wearing them. For a little while longer anyway
wearing: T-shirt - BCBS of AL. The Caring Company - HAH!!
hearing: History Channel and my sweet Professor snoring on the couch.
eating: Nothing; - not. a. thing.
drinking: Nope
feeling: Life is a struggle every day - no matter how stong my faith I find myself questioning why....hopefully I will find an answer one day.
wanting: to have gotten something done this weekend.
looking forward to: getting something done next weekend.
Tsars wrote:
Quote:If you want... you can help me with my laundry and possible help me clean up my cluttered room, non? Just asking.
Tsars - I would be glad to - I always enjoy helping others with their messes much more than I enjoy cleaning my own...it is an innate thing. Seems to be written in the genes.
looking forward to: Seeing my Mama and Daddy this week. I need to curl up in their laps. Seriously miss my Mama and Daddy. Makes my eyes tear up thinking about how happy I will be to have them with me.