wearing: grey knee length shorts, with a mens navy blue t-shirt. (no tags on the back = heavenly.
hearing:blissful sounds of home
eating:just got back from having the best chicken wings.
craving:: chocolate
drinking: Pepsi
doing: processing events from the last few days
looking forward to: finding someone to really love
feeling: grateful and a bit more motivated in my career
wanting:to have had more time to visit the beach.
day dreaming of: a beach paradise.
ossobuco wrote:
That'll be an interesting trip, mm....
Oh osso, it truly was. My work teammates are from the east coast. Normally I am seeing them on their home turf in PA, DE. This time I had the chance to show them my home turf. Pointed out where the MASH sets were located, and some of my old work haunts. It was surreal almost.
It was a beautiful 75-80 degrees. We got 5 mins on Zuma beach. Of course I removed my shoes so I could walk in the sand.

I would have chanced getting my slacks wet to get my feet in the water but since I was with my work collegues, I really couldn't. :/
It was great to see the old neighborhood with all the old oak trees and talk to other people. I met some current locals who knew nothing about the name of the mountain "Lady Face" which was the name of the resturant we ate at that actually over looked the image of an American flag stuck up on top of the mountain. The point of reference for the flag was the area of the Lady's forehead. Although I didn't see anyone I knew from my past, it was quite awesome to get a look at the way the neighborhood had grown. I definately miss the greenery of the area. Colorful flowers in the residential areas, dark green leaved plants....*sigh*. I think it's time to plan a trip to the beach.