wearing: black yoga capris with turquoise piping, apricot v-neck t under turquoise striped v-neck t, black clogs, black hair clip while I figure out the new side bangs
hearing: Russian pop music tribute to Putin
eating: sweet potatoes with sauteed onions and bok choy
drinking: a beer stein of English Breakfast tea with one sugar cube and 1% milk
doing: reading Zogby, cooking up sausages with onions and more bok choy for later today unless Setanta spots it
looking forward to: taking the dogs out soon in the sun
feeling: relaxed
wanting: the temperature to stay below 20 celsius[/quote]
wearing: Black athletic pants with white stripes on the sides, white tank top and blue cotton overshirt...barefoot
hearing: News show from the other room
eating: nothing
drinking: coffee
doing: reading the paper, answering emails, posting on A2k
looking forward to: getting outside on this beautiful Sunday
feeling: content
wanting: smething good to eat, I'm going to scrounge something up right now.
wearing: same old camel colored sandals, low cut black top with intricate purple and white designs, flowy bias cut bottom, faded jeans that are 2 sizes too big...LOL...silver heart pendant, longish chain, tiny silver beads necklace...
hearing: This guy was farting bubbly farts and laughing a few minutes ago...just me typing now...
eating: finishing crumbs from my only meal today---bag of cheetos. Must go forth and forage...
drinking: Dasani
doing: pg 14 of 15 page term paper, starting on Dickinson paper, reading emails, getting ready to webcam my hunk of burning Italian love...(giggles), wondering what snood is doing...loving some Occom Bill and ehBeth and Set...and life.
looking forward to: meeting hot lover (hee), the ******* end of this semester, meet in Junio, many, many happy things. Next size reduction...Hey!!! Thomas...
feeling: Bliss
wanting: more
wearing: hot pink yoga capris with lace hems, hot watermelon/white/turquoise bicycle race style top, bare feet, amber hair clip while I figure out the new side bangs
hearing: The Debaters with Sean Majunder (applause)
eating: nothing
drinking: nothing but I'm going to go find some o.j.
doing: getting ready to play Word Mojo
looking forward to: sleeping well
feeling: uneasy because of the thunder boomers
wanting: nothing this very second
Explain the side bangs, s'il vous plait...
I'd sorta grown my hair out - the once-bangs were between my chin and shoulder - the rest, past shoulder blade
great for braiding for dance class, but not much of a 'style'
so, side bangs
side parted hair, with sorta sideways bangs on the wide side, from about ear to chin level
a cousin of this cut
(but done in 4 bright colours

Looking at ehBeth must be a celebration!!!
Looking forward to doing it myself one day.
Lash wrote:Looking at ehBeth must be a celebration!!!
Looking forward to doing it myself one day.
It is a celebration and I hope to do it again someday! (Are you listening, Beth?)
Darn tootin'!
OK, now I get the side bangs. My own new haircut isn't so dissimilar. Slightly longer layers, and fuller/ wavier. No bangs per se, but shortest level is about chin length. Definitely designed to be in my face on that side. In your face is evidently cool right now. In my face bothers me. Getting used to it.
sozobe wrote: In your face is evidently cool right now. In my face bothers me. Getting used to it.
in the meantime, an occasional clip/pin helps me with the peering past the side bang
Do you use any products on your hair? I think the right goop tames even the most obtinant hair (like mine.)
Bethie, Chicago in June...I'm going to see the Cubs with Walter Hinteler! That will be a trip!
New York in June ... Walter Hinteler ... mac11 ...
We have to get together sometime, somewhere.. Columbus might be a happy medium, don't you think?
<perks up...!>
That would be so so cool.
wearing: capri khakis, denim snap down blouse, ugly, overworn camel colored sandals, my zip drive, ...
hearing: Air conditioning hum, click-y typing.
eating: nothing
drinking: Coke
doing: wrapping up paper on E. Dickinson and Shakespearean metadrama criticism.
looking forward to: seeing my man, the end of this semester, talking to the Dys, Diane, and Rog, the future, financial AID!!!! LOL
feeling: alive
wanting: to get my hands on the previously mentioned man
wearing: pale pink sleeveless top and pink and black skirt
hearing: nothing - so quiet here
eating: just had a herby salad roll
drinking: mango juice
doing: having a break from exam revision - first exam tomorrow
looking forward to: revisiting New York in September
feeling: great
wanting: to go out and enjoy the gorgeous sunshine - will go for a walk by the waterfront later
wearing: mismatched flannel pj's
hearing: washing machine
eating: liquorice
drinking: coffee
doing: procrastinating
looking forward to: summer weather, holidays
feeling: guilty
wanting: to know more about "my man"
wearing: sage green yoga pants, black Vans, two-tone lavender t thingie
hearing: Stuart McLean
eating: lemon meringue mousse yogurt
drinking: cold tea
doing: resting after dog/Beaches adventure
looking forward to: more weather like today
feeling: allergy coughy
wanting: the end of allergy season
wearing: bright pink ethnic type dress
hearing: blessed silence
eating: nothing
drinking: chardonnay
doing: can't tear myself away to go to bed
looking forward to: bed
feeling: in fine fettle
wanting: my car to be fixed sooooon