ehBeth wrote:Wearing:sage ankle length gym pants, lime green gym bra/tank, forest green swooshy top with gold epaulet-thingies, giant dangly gold-coloured earrings
Hearing: the news
Eating: nothin' unless you count Tylenol Arthritis tabs
Drinking: ginger ale to get down those tablets
Doing: A2K, trying to figure out MySpace
Looking forward to: a really good sleep
Feeling: a bit good-achy from belly dance class
Wanting: to know how things are going for Lash
Hi Tweety Bird!!
Just popped in for a look. When you figure out MySpace, would you PM me your addy? Love to see what you do with the place. Mine is in a state of severe neglect.
I have a B in Spanish--a test today may have improved that a smidge. My Prof in Eng 3000 (Intro to Eng Major) and 2320 (Brit Lit...spits on ground) is a murderess. You would not believe what volumes VOLUMES I SAY of reading, writing, explicating, reading, writing... And, I love that stuff. There just isn't enough time in the day. Creative Writing, of all things, is awful. I'm doing well, but the prof and I will probably wind up screaming at each other. Different ideas about writing. Completely. I feel I should perform a citizen's arrest and remove her from contact with developing writers. HORRIBLE!
The kids are great, funny, sweet and teine sueno todos las mananas. Serio.
I'm at the SLC--Student Learning Center--Have to go home now. To save money, I only have Word Processing capability at home. I'll check in again hopefully in a few days.

Nice to see you! Hope you and doggies and loved ones are cozy and happy.