Wearing: ordinary old blue jeans, no idea of the year, I always get them at thrifts. I used to have at least a dozen pair when I painted a lot, now down to three, in case I thin down for the black jeans; my tee shirt I bought in Lucca that turned out to be too small then, that I tried to give to littlek but she said keep it, and glad I did, as it fits now (littlek having family in that area).
Over that, a too big yellow item from elizabeth claiborne via St. Vincent's Center. Used to be just right. Over that, my sort of quilty vest. I like vests, have several for a long time, most from thrifts but superior quality, since I've been near some wonderful thrifts. Re vests - among other things, they are good nipple covers.
Slogging in my oft reported rubber japanese sandals. They never die.
On hair, I've cut mine for the last eight years.
Hearing: my ears
Eating: Nothing. Ate some homemade pita with this and that a while ago.
Drinking: bourbon and almond milk on ice - now there's a oxymoron
Doing: What I do best....procrastinating
Looking forward to: some yard work tomorrow; I still like doing that and it has gotten warmer this end of the week.
Feeling scared and fighting
Wanting: what Tsar said.