Mon 26 Dec, 2005 05:21 pm
You know what I mean. Now if ya cant wear the outfit , pleeeeez dont frighten the kids.
What a muffin top? Just so I don't frighten any kiddies with a faux pas. :wink:
top of the muffin to ya...
A muffin top is some chubby girl (or even not so chubby) trying to wear low cut pants an amidriff shirt. This ostensibly sexy type outfit can be really gross when worn by die zaftige madchen.
Today, It wasnt so cold so we went to Lancaster for some shopping. BOY are the women up there puttin on the pounds
They develop a little roll of das flabbenrollenfleischenmachen that hangs out over the tops of their pants like a little "muffin top"
Oy... just when you thought spandex was dead and gone one has muffin tops to contend with.
But isn't Lancaster almost in Amish hands and the "saftige Maedchen" are dressed more "sittsam"?
Yet, I have to agree with you, farmerman: It seems, always
the ones who cannot afford it, wear low cut pants and short,
tight t-shirts.
Ohhhhh yeah, that's not a flattering look. My buds and I call that "20 pounds of meat in a 10 pound bag".
and exude ample avoirdupois over the top.
A note
Some very sexy ladies are of ample size, but they have the smart sense to feature other of their attributes. There is a very fine stature line that such outfits fit within
have you noticed , these same low cut pants , give each and every woman who wears them, an ass that looks like a little boys'?
it is a gay man's designer conspiracy i tell ya..
Yeh , come to think of it, a real woman would show some butt crack , that would be embarrassing to be confused with a plumber
Unfortunately, the bakers of the muffin tops have devoted time and thought to putting together the unflattering ensembles. They are blissfully happy in bulging high fashion.
I can just picture them getting ready to leave the house and then realizing they hadn't really exposed enough belly and so back to the wardrobe they go.