hi Lenny da Vinci
i learnt photoshop in much the way you describe!
i find books often too slow and long winded and describing the kind of work that bears no relation to what i want to do.
Just work your way through the various adjustments etc that are possible and use the filters sparingly - very gimmicky.
I taught myself all the art related stuff and then a photographer friend and i got together - he showed me the photography type things like the ruby mask (used by photographers with lith film) and how he used the clone tool to repair damaged photos, which i had never investigated - i showed him the way i use layers etc etc
PS I'll look at the freeware you mention.
Good luck with it - it truly is worth persevering
You find Fractal Painter easy????? I must admit i haven't attempted much with it as I haven't found it so easy to muddle through.