bill moyers
lash wrote : "Underwater mormons. The very worst kind! "
i have to admit that i always thought that mormons were kind of strange people . well , several years ago we took a three week cruise and shared a dining room table with a mormon pastor (or whatever they are called) and his wife . it took us a few days to find out - they both were actually chemists by profession . turned out that they were really nice and interesting people , ready to have a laugh anytime . one thing in our favour was that they didn't drink any alcohol ; so when on a couple of occasions one of the ship's officers joined as for dinner and ordered wine - at the company's expense ! - , we didn't have to share . my opinion of mormons changed quickly , lovely people who let you drink their share of the wine .
btw you probably know that
...jack anderson..., perhaps one of the toughest journalists of his time - and much feared by crooked politicians - was a mormon . he died only a few days ago and there might be some politicians breathing a little easier . hbg