Mon 4 Nov, 2002 02:14 pm
Make a monger luv you; say the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at this. Personally I rate it quite poorly myself, because it looks absolutely nothing like a naked woman at all, which is what art is
supposedto be all about.
What medium BTW? I see colored pencils but this from the guy who just saw nekkid women.
Colored pencil and ballpoint pen, with a slight touch of vodka & Photoshop 6.0. (But you already knew that Craven. :wink: Does it look like colored pencils without being told? Shame.
No shame! The maxim about the medium not being obvious is bogus.
I used colored pencils extensively. I'll post one right now.
Grafitti.Danish grafitti that is.
Cool, hebba!!
...And Craven, I was only kidding.
where's the vodka - looks more like whisky to me - colour-wise
I see a big purples Muppet.
Could someone explain how to post a phote here? I have one I promisted to show to Original Nan and others on an abuzz thread [/color[size=18]](nice people, don't worry!)[/size]
I see Psychedelic Billiard Balls... Its well done though! I feel actually kinda light, almost serene when i look at it, with an underlining thrum of joy and eagerness to get out side...
Either that or its cabin fever! LOL
Great job with the pencils. I'm not very good with them.
There is a tutorial on posting images here:
If you need any help (late, I know) just let us know.
I recognize colored pencils since I do them, but I don't think they sing out to the uninitiated. Besides, who cares?
Love it! A rich meditation/jazz riff on orbs....