cicerone imposter wrote:People like real life will never understand what the following article says about this administration and Americans to the world. I disagree whole-heartedly with this administrations policies and actions - 100 percent. They do not represent me as an American citizen. They are criminals that belongs in prison.
I gladly defend my position to the likes of real life who hasn't a clue.
You have every right to hold your opinion, CI.
But you are not consistent.
Earlier, you could not state outright that cannibalism was wrong, mumbling something about it being accepted by their culture so who were you to say they were wrong?
Also you claim that you cannot say that a man who killed children did wrong.
You have told us repeatedly that you do NOT force your personal moral code on ANYONE. You have said that you do not apply your standard of right and wrong to any but yourself.
But that is clearly not the case, because there are MANY instances, like the one you just posted, where you DO say that 'XYZ is wrong'
What is that, but a statement that YOUR concept of right and wrong can and should apply to others?
That is exactly what it is. But it is exactly what you claim you do not do.
Therefore I have said you are not consistent.