Mon 14 Apr, 2003 07:47 am
For the recipe fans, this month's Cinnabar newsletter is up, with a great Italian white wine featured, and a perfect spring dish to match, with notes on salmon, large-grain couscous, saffron and spring. Enjoy!
Interesting site and thanks! I know cinnabar for two meanings, both personal and neither related to culinary arts. My fav personal perfume of choice, Cinnabar, by Estee Lauder. Second: a beautiful mineral, a bright scarlet red (lighter and brighter than garnet or ruby) crystal usually found in tiny streaks and druzy upon a plain host such as limestone.
Ya learns alot by comin' to this here site, y'all come over now!
Very astute cobalt...they used to make a beautiful dye in ancient times from cinnabar, and in Inca culture (I may be wrong, but I think it was the Incas) they used cinnabar to adorn their revered dead before burial. Now I know it is also a cool does this all relate to the culinary arts? For me, the idea of taking something raw and natural, and refining it into a thing of beauty

, hence the name.