
, here in the big town, the idiots can't call their cretin friends and say "Nothing, Well, I dunno. What do you want to do later?" loud enough to be heard three rows away where I sit with my popcorn and the two wasted $10.00 ticket stubs.

Wasted because I can't HEAR the movie! They don't know where they are. It's weird.
There are some people who are not conscious of the other creatures around them. They are the same ones who approach the front of a service line, walking past ten others, and are surprised that there's a line.
They aren't completely in this world, and we have given them cellphones and stereo headsets that prevent full apprehension of their environment and buzz loudly enough for subway passengers eight seats down to hear the zzzZZzzzXXZZZxx!
By the way, my only phone is cell and I have this sweet little MP3 player that I use to mask out the subway's grinding grind. I shut off the phone when in public performance areas (including outdoors at Central Park)and I have tested the earpieces against extraneous noise.
Hey, we're here with you!