Raptor heaven!
Just spend a long time watching this guy eat a small fluffy thing (couldn't quite tell if it was a rodent or a bird):
Really cool. Sozlet spotted the shadow first, at the park, right after I pulled in. She thought the shadow (flying) might be a turkey vulture. We searched, couldn't see anything, then as I started to open the door I saw that he'd (OK maybe she, I dunno) had alit in a nearby tree. We snuck out of the car (leaving doors open and everything) and went to get a closer look. He was utterly unperturbed. Saw us, heard us, just "you are tiny and insignificant and I don't care one whit if you watch me eat." So we stood about 20 feet away from the base of the tree, he was about 20 feet up. Sozlet got bored before I did (maybe 10 minutes) and went off to play, I watched him eat the whole meal. Sooooo cool.