A wild turkey. Why did it cross the road? To eat some crap on the sidewalk on the other side. Took pix too.
And, a turlte trying to cross the road. I put an end to that nonsense.
Snapping turtles are out laying eggs right now. I almost stepped on one in our rye field last evening as I took dogs for a hike. I hadda keep dogs from tganging up on momma snapper or they coulda been severely chomped.
Linkat wrote:I saw a dead deer next the highway last week - does that count? The reason it was so strange is that this is a busy area - no woods that should be large enough to be home to a deer.
Anyone in the Boston area? It was at the Braintree split.
Sure. What a strange place for a deer to be, particularly in the Spring. In the Winter, sure, I can understand if it wandered too far and got lost looking for food. But Braintree? Maybe it was looking for the Ikea in Stoughton.
Yes, Braintree/Quincy line. Could have wandered from Blue Hills.
I could have sworn I'd posted this......
Neat! That turkey is a lot less scraggly than the ones I used to see in Burlington.
Yesterday it was fairly warm, even into the evening, so we left the front door open but the screen closed. I'm sitting and watching TV and I start to hear the sounds of plastic bending and snapping back. You know the sound: it's not breaking, it's just being bent and then returning to position.
We keep the recycling bins on the front porch so I was a bit concerned. We have seen the occasional rat, plus a lot of mice, and I just don't want them getting that familiar with the visible front of the house. So I go to the screen door to investigate, and it's a grey squirrel. We had had Chinese food a few days ago and had washed the clear plastic lids and RP had put them together with a rubber band. I had tossed them into the recycling bin yesterday morning.
I assume they either had a slight aroma or taste of Chicken with Cashews (hey, sometimes you feel like a nut), or maybe our visitor wanted some clear plastic windows for his squirrel home. Of course I got the camera. Scared him off, or at least I thought I did. I closed the front door and went back to watching TV. A few minutes later, I figure, hey, I should pick up the recycling, and the squirrel is back. I think I was as startled as he was, I just yelled, "Sorry!" and shut the door quickly.
By this time, RP came downstairs and wanted to know who I was talking to. He went outside, the squirrel was gone, and he (RP) put the recycling back in the bin. I have yet to see whether the recycling has been disturbed again, but it's cold and rainy today so perhaps our fuzzy intrepid explorer stayed home, wishing he had some cashew-scented plastic roofing.
Crimson Rosella in my backyard. Not all that unusual it just that I happened to have the camera ready.
That was one of the true wonders of my visit to Oz - petshop birds flying all around in flocks like they were wild or something!
Not to mention the Petshop Boys!
there was a possum on the porch this morning.
i went to get the paper and there it was, resting comfortably near the recycle bin.
it looked at me, and started walking around the porch.
then it slowly, almost grudgingly, began waddling down the steps, out of sight...
Well, it's cooler, I suspect, or was cooler. Funky. Did you take a pic?
i took this pic... from google
What is it with critters and our recycling bins? I guess they (the bins, not the critters) must smell delicious to all of critterville.
I just was considering that, being a possum, really limits ones career options.
littlek wrote:That was one of the true wonders of my visit to Oz - petshop birds flying all around in flocks like they were wild or something!
California (by the sea) is like that now as well.
I've seen 15 Amazonian parrots fly over at once.
The final strongholds of local wildlife are falling. Trees bulldozed, subdivisions, shopping centers - The poor animals have few hiding places. The largest of these, the deer, have the occasional stands of trees and grazing spots, that usually encroach on nearby home land. I pass one of their enclaves while driving to work. Yesterday, five of them ran at full tilt between the cars in front of me. Today, as I motored home, a big one approached the road to cross. It hesitated somewhat as it viewed my Ranger bearing down. Uncertain of its intentions, I braked. Seeing this, it trotted on across.
Last week, three deer got on the road in front of my wife. Apparently used to cars that stop for them, they dawdled and finally got off the pavement.
Sad. I don't know if they will eventually get killed off or what.