Average land cost in your home country

Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 05:09 am
Hello everyone,

I need to know how much land costs in any country.

Since I doubt that there is an already available online listing somewhere, it would be great if everyone here could simply post the average cost of 1m2 of land (buildable type in populated areas) in his home country.

Thank you very much to all of you who will participate.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 06:03 am
Sledia- Welcome to A2K. Very Happy

I really doubt that you would find figures like that, all in one place. Land costs varies throughout the U.S. according to location. An "average", even if one could find such a figure, would be meaningless, since land value runs along such a wide scale.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 06:25 am
Thanks Phoenix32890 Smile

Well, for a big country like the USA, what about giving the average cost in your state?

In case it is difficult to find an average cost, a minimum and a maximum cost would be great.

For the English speaking countries, I could check their real estate sites but for the others countries, I couldn't understand the language.

Thanks again.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 08:52 am
As an educated guess I'd guess that land in the arid, part of the west runs $100 an acre while an acre of land in Manhattan is probably $1,000,000,000.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 10:19 am
Exactly Noddy!
Here in southern California a 10 mile drive away from
the coast can make a difference of $500,000 to $1,000,000
while you're still in the same city.
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Green Witch
Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:24 pm
If you want to compare land costs all over the US you can go to www.realtor.com
You will have to look under the heading of "land", and since I am an American, I can only think in terms of feet and acres. An acre is about 400'x 400'. You will also find what they call "lots" and that will vary in size based on zoining within a town or city.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:01 am
Is this forum only used by US citizens ?
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:09 am
No, Sleidia, some of us live in the Mother countries!

Building land anywhere within a ten mile radius of central London is rarer than hen's teeth, and usually goes up for auction.

I would say that Noddy's estimate for Manhatten would be about right, but convert the $ sign into £'s.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:30 am
Ok thanks but I'm more curious about all the European countries, all the Asian countries, Australia (and Tasmania), and all the populated islands worlwide.

And again, I'd like to stress upon the fact that I need the info for failry populated areas only. No desert but no big cities either.

Thanks again Wink
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:36 am
I think your best bet would be to go to google (advanced search) ... type in "real estate" in the "exact phrase" box, and then type in the country of your choice in the above box that says "with all of the words".

I did it for Tasmania, and hey presto.....first hit....

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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 02:56 am
Yeah but it's true only for the English speaking countries.

Plus, the web based real estates's prices are always higher than the average prices because they are targeted to a wealthy international audience. I'd prefer to hear about the prices that the locals usually pay.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 03:06 am
The Tasmanian site is for the local buyers, as most sites will be for any country that you try. Obviously a real estate agent who has a worldwide portfolio is aimimg at the wealthy foreigner, but if you just aim at the small guy in the high street, you will find plenty of them.
All of our small, local, real estate guys are on the web.

The French word for real estate is "Immobilier", by the way, and the word for "for sale" is "Ventes".

Good luck.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 03:10 am
Ehehe .. thanks. .... I'm French BTW Wink

Merci Smile
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 03:16 am

I shall now go away and blush.

A La Prochaine!
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Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 02:44 am
Australia is so large that the variations are incredibly large.
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Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2005 02:02 pm
Are you looking to compare prices You'd have to convert all the local currencies into one in order to make a fair comparison. Of course, with the Euro you save a lot of time, but what about pesos, dollars, yen, and so on and so on and so on.

You could spend the rest of your life on this project.
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Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:31 pm
There's an interesting site in my area.


Gives sales data on many places in the area. I typed in my own address (and my brother's, parents, and friends). Gave me last sale price, block dimensions, even the date of contract settlement on my own home. I'd love to know how they got the information!
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 02:53 pm
Here in Switzerland it depends a bit on your exact location.
You can say that in my Canton, land for USD 600 - 1000 per square metre is above the average for CH. In the lowest cost Cantons the cost would be around 350 or so.
It seems that you already got some info about my place of origin (Tasmania - yes, really!) and a range of USD 100 to 150 per sq m is probably about right in the capital city, Hobart.

1sq m is about 10.8 sq feet

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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 03:18 pm
Thanks butibum Wink

Could you describe a little bit the pros and cons of Tasmania regarding the way of life over there?

I've been in Australia but never had the chance to go there.

Thanks for your time Smile
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 03:51 pm
Hi Sleidia
Tasmania is quite different to the rest of Australia. I grew up in Hobart, then worked on the NW coast for a few years. The pace of life is relatively slow and relaxed. One interesting feature is the way the locals refer to Tasmania and the Mainland, that is the island to the north of Tasmania (Australia!!).
Pros would be relaxed way of life, relatively cheap cost of living including house and land costs.
Cons are probably climate, insular outlook of people, opportunities for employment in general - but there are for sure many niche possibilities these days.
Please be aware that I left Tas in 1987, was last there in 96. My parents and sister still live there.
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