On the basis of your definitions, yes, I also concede. So, let me rephrase it, ok? If I vote for something that I think is wrong, then I put forth the false assumption that I approve of it. And, I won't do it.
Mr. Setanta Wrote:
Quote:Personally, J_B, that does violence to my understanding of the meaning of condone. However, i don't think it worth arguing over. The important point is that no one such as MOAN has any right to expect to force a point of view on others upon the basis of contentions about what their imaginary friend told them--so i'm happy to cede the debate to you on that matter of definition.
You have done violence to Mr. Setanta!

But, I am sure he will forgive you for it. He's just that kind of guy!
Mr. Cicerone Imposter Wrote:
Quote:I never forgive racial and homphobic bigots. If anything is done to me, it can be forgiven.
I don't understand Mr. Cicerone Imposter. If someone is not being racially or homophobic toward you, why would you need to forgive them?

You just said if
anything was done to you, it could be forgiven. Who is being racially bigoted or homophobic towards you? You just tell me and I will talk to Mr. Setanta and see if he can set them straight for you!