Well, I would think the chances of a same sex couple living next door to someone that does not agree with it might be 50/50 just for argument sake. And please understand something about me, I am not against gays/lesbians, homosexuals. I am against the act itself. There is a huge difference to me. The problem would lie in having to explain to your child how you have taught them something is wrong and it is now legal. Now, who is right? Are you wrong in telling your child you believe the act is wrong if that is what you truly believe? Yes, the best thing to do is sit the child down and explain how you feel and then explain how others feel about it and the child will eventually make up their own mind., but it can cause a concern for a parent.
I haven't got the foggiest idea if homosexuality is a choice, if you are born that way, etc. I just cannot say I know that for a fact. To a Christian, and to plenty of non-believers also, the act of homosexuality is considered a perversion. So, you have to understand that it is something these people are not going to accept very readily.
And when I was talking about insurance, yes, I was speaking of will it cost everyone's insurance rates to go up? I don't know if it will or not. I mentioned it because I was hoping someone could enlighten me on it. I had heard it said somewhere that it would greatly effect insurance rates. And, it had absolutely nothing to do with any diseases anyone might relate to homosexuality. I think the days of AIDS being only a gay disease are pretty well past us. At least I hope they are.
As to my friends, the only solution here is they vote their conscience and I vote mine. The three of us understand that however the laws turn out, one of us doesn't get it the way we want it. We are willing to accept it as such. They understand that it won't change my feelings about it and I understand it won't change their feelings about it. We just understand each other's views and even though we vastly disagree, we respect each other's views.
And Wolf, I have no clue how we ended up in this thread!

So, if we don't get admonished for it, maybe we can finish up this bit of the discussion and let everyone get back to it. :wink:
I find you to have the most delightful sense of humor.
I hope I covered the insurance point up in my post to Wolf. If not, let me know.
Ah, my buddy. Though you and I vastly disagree, I do enjoy our little bouts. And there you go again, assigning homophobic meaning to my beliefs? I have never said anything like this about anyone who engages in homosexual activity.
My two friends, we will call them Bette and Sue for the sake of this conversation, are absolutely delightful women. They are kind, compassionate, work in the community, help others, etc. Gee, they sound pretty normal don't they? Well, they are. They just engage in an act that I don't believe in.
No need to poke fun (no pun intended there). :wink: about one of them ending up pregnant. Yes, it is something that would have to be explained to a child. I was asked what effects it would have, Mesquite. I only answered a question.
As for the issue of abortion, I think insurance rates are a lot less of a concern to me here than the lives of the aborted babies. Actually, I haven't really thought about the insurance issue there.
Yeah, knew the bricks were coming. That's ok. I am being honest. You see it one way and I see it another. Does that mean we should be at each other's throats? I have read many posters who think Christianity is responsible for the moral decline. Just differing views.
Ah, act accordingly. Ok, when Bette and Sue are at my house, they act in an appropriate manner. Just as anyone else would, just as you would I imagine, when you go to someone else's house. No, they display no behavior THEY consider what others might consider inappropriate. Just as most straight people don't stand on streetcorners frenchkissing and buttgrabbing each other, they don't either. When I go to their house, it is their house and if they want to kiss, etc., that is their right. They don't have a problem with it. Do you?
Saints? No Mesquite, and neither am I. We are just all adults that have respect for each other. We understand that everyone is different and has different views, opinions, beliefs. We recognize that we all have the same rights and do not waste our time arguing about who is right or who is wrong. We consider ourselves equals in this world and don't feel either of us are any more special than the other. We just kind of feel we are adults and can respect each other even if we don't like something the other says or does.
Actually, Mesquite, we pretty much feel we have reached our compromise. I just explained it above.