Totally unwarranted? Why, because you think it's ok to demean God or my beliefs? I would say that's rather typical on your part, too dys.
Yes, I am sure he is just a doll.

I can tell by all the wonderful things he has posted about those that have faith. I can just see the respect he has for others even though they have differing opinions. If he can get off the floor from laughing long enough that is.
Other than that post of him apologizing to those that are believers, I haven't seen much more from him (in the Spirituality and Religion forums) that show me how respectful he is of others.
You and everyone else that thinks it is okay to make fun of God or someone because they hold those beliefs, go right ahead. But, I will call you on it everytime. I will let no one demean God without telling that person how offensive it is to me.
If that's whining, so be it. I have principles. I have faith. I try to follow my beliefs to the best of my ability. But, I am not a doormat for anyone and neither is God.
It sure didn't take long for non-believers to jump the author of Atheists...Your Life is Pointless thread, did it? Seems plenty of atheists aren't too crazy about derogatory things being said about them either.