Lightwizard wrote:Strugis, your concept of conservatism and the prevailing condition of the current politics appears to be drastically different. The politicians rarely think like individual citizen, having their own agendas and buckling under the weight of politics in Washington. Heston wasn't just become boxed in by his politics but also boxed in by his screen persona.
Funny my typo got highlighted -- "movie."
No problem, LW. My concept of conservatism seems to differ from the condition of current politics, as well.
I stand by my image of Heston in corrugated.
Soylent Green Is People.... It's PEOPLE!!!!
And, please, someone should have turned Heston into a pot pie.
Of course, I do enjoy "Ben Hur" and his performance is quite good but his stiff, stoic Moses was as corny Classics Illustrated Biblical as the rest of the movie. It shouldn't be on DVD but canned by the Green Giant.
jpinMilwaukee wrote:Soylent Green Is People.... It's PEOPLE!!!!
Like we haven't been eating people all along.
Soylent Green is one of the silliest movies I remember ever seeing. Anyone for whom that shout of "It's PEOPLE" came as a shock or even surprise either had not been following the plot or had an IQ in the single digits. I remember my date and I chuckling and chortling our way through a flick that was supposed to be somehow a serious movie.
I knew the punchline well in advance also, but I still enjoyed the film anyway.