I was prompted to ask this by Phoenix, who thought it was an interesting question when I brought it up on another thread.
I was musing about a gold crucifix I was given as a child, and wondering if I had it now, would I wear it out of sentimental value, or for decorative reasons, even though I no long am a believer in a god.
Do all who wear crucifixes wear them for religious reasons? Are all who wear Chicago Bears sports jackets fans of the football team? If you would wear a symbol sometimes that you don't fully believe in, is there a line regarding this that you wouldn't cross.
Well, I know I sometimes wear a wool scarf with the word Juventus on it, for the Milan soccer team, and if I followed italian soccer more than I do, that would not likely be the team I would be for. I wear it because a friend gave it to me and I enjoy its colorfulness and warmth.
As for a line I know wouldn't cross, that's easy, I wouldn't wear Nazi symbols.
I have worn a tshirt of a group I dint hate but wasnt really a fan off, just coz I had no clean clothes.
I definately think what you wear is an extension of your personality and it ,for me, would be a crime to wear something that didnt reflect you.
I wear crucifixes, have done since i was about 11 but thats coz of a certain female singer, not religion.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 11:17 am
I don't wear anything that I don't have a personal connection with. I wear a ring with a cross because it symbolizes for me, my connection to my creator as does the Star of David pendant I used to wear...until the owner of the laundromat decided it was his...rather than fight him I let him keep it. This was back around 1980. I now have a crucifix pendant and Star of David pendant hanging on a wall in my home, both from the same hook. I don't wear a lot of sports-team stuff, just a few baseball caps here and they're for teams I like...although for purely superstitious reasons I will not wear a Yankees cap even though I love the team.
For a line that I would not cross it would include anything which was specifically pro or anti-abortion, or war, or about any politician.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 11:54 am
<trying to figure out what I wouldn't wear>
I'm generally fairly un-logo-ed, but I can't say I wouldn't wear a cross or other symbol. I've been wearing the same necklace, nearly every day for nearly 40 years. It was a gift from hamburger's parents - it depicts Romulus and Remus - the twins - Gemini. I initially wore it because it was from my grandparents, not because I liked it. Then I got a bit superstitious about wearing it <got nervous if I wasn't wearing it>. Now it's habit, I'm too lazy (?) to take it off and put another necklace on.
I looked at it closely a couple of years ago - and realized I really like the carving/sculpting of the piece.
<still working on what I wouldn't wear. Was it free? there's a decent chance I'll wear it in the garden at least>
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 12:04 pm
I don't like to wear clothing with writing on it, although i occassionally do--does that count?
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 12:15 pm
Truth be known I don't really like to wear clothing but some idiotic societal demands have required it...that and the freezing temperatures outside.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 12:16 pm
I do not wear clothing with any logo on it simply because I am not a free billboard for those who make money on such things. Having said that, I just realized that I do wear a NASCAR #28 ballcap on occasion. I will not wear anything political or something that would poke fun at any group or individual or bear any hateful message.
I do not wear a crucifix simply because I am not catholic. If I was, I would not have any qualms about wearing it. I would also not have any qualms about wearing the Star of David if I was Jewish. That may seem odd since I would not wear anything political. Separation of Church and state?
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 12:20 pm
Yes, that's reason enough, isn't it, Set? Writing usually forming words, words having meaning...
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 02:26 pm
Hmmm.....I also generally do NOT wear stuff with logoes. I don't think I have anything with a logo on it, and I can only think of one thing with writing on it.
Crosses and such? Hmmmmmm......
At some point I wanted a little gold crucifix as a kid, and my mother's response made me realise (for only the second time by that point, I was mebbe 7, 8?) that christianity wasn't one big happy family under one roof, only in different rooms. (I knew about the reformation, and all the different sects and such, but I thought we were over all that, and recognized it was the same god and all....I mean what, really, is transubstantiation vs consubstantiation between friends?)
She was really antsy about what I wanted...."Only catholics wear them." Me: "So?" I didn't get the cross.
Now? Nah, I do not think I would wear such stuff, even if I liked it. It's still too powerful in the world to wear it purely as decoration.
I have Athena's owl, though! Because I like it, and as a bit of a protest against patriarchal religions. And for the wisdom it is supposed to represent.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 03:29 pm
I wear no jewelry, and never have--with a single exception. Since i met my sweetiepie, i have worn a ring which she gave me, in her honor. I've almost gotten used to it now after five years. I only notice it a few dozen times a day, for no more than a couple of hours.
Otherwise, i can't stand any form of jewelry--drives me crazy.
Sturgis has spoken great wisdom. Only the Mrs. Grundy's of this world, and sub-zero temperature, assure that i go around clothed.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 03:31 pm
I like clothes... but they don't have to be ON me.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 03:51 pm
I am not a lover of jewelry. I have some, but rarely wear it. I have a Star of David that I have had since I was a kid, but put it away when I realized that it held no particular meaning for me.
There is one thing that I do wear though. Many years ago, my husband bought me a silver pendant from an outdoor stall during a Greenwich Village art fair. I think that it reminds me of a Roarshach image. Some people think that it looks like a marine symbol, others a map of Africa. After all these years, I still get comments whenever I wear it. I call it my "go with everything" necklace, and I wear it often.
The only logos that I will be caught wearing, are symbols that are inconspicuous, like those on sneakers, and Polo, Izod, or Liz Claiborne shirts.
Hmm.......there was one exception. I used to go to a gym up in NY, where they had an exercise class that was like marine drill training. The loyal members of the class were presented with a "T" shirt that said, "I Survived Aerobics III with John C." I wore that shirt until it was practicallly in tatters. I was very proud of it, and the accomplishment for which it stood. I don't think that I could even get into it now!
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 04:18 pm
I admit blushingly to having an a2k sweatshirt, which I plan on dyeing blue one of these days. (I only have a package of blue dye; it's about five years old now. Have a ucla sweatshirt that is so subtle you can barely see the letters. But then, I like both those places, even sorta believe in them.
I collect italy tee shirts from friends or thrift shops - Lucca, the image of the Sistine Chapel, an olive green one with gold thread embroidered italy and what I can only guess is a papal key. Hmm, I've worn that one in my own sardonic way. If I wear one of these at all it'll be under a blouse or shirt. Usually. Mainly because they are usually too small, heh.
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Wolf ODonnell
Thu 24 Nov, 2005 05:24 pm
Well, most people in my country don't wear religious symbols on their sleeves for the sole reason that there seems to be some general consensus that "if you've got a religion, keep it to yourself". There also used to a "keep your patriotism to yourself" attitude, but that's slowly being eroded away, possibly because our country's actually being good at things like sports recently.
The only symbol I've ever worn is the red poppy sold by the Red Poppy Appeal.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 05:56 pm
not being religious, if I were given a cross pendant by a loved one, I would never wear it, but it would be put away for safe keeping.
As for brand logo's - yes I do wear them, such as 'Von Dutch' shoes, bags clothes etc and I also wear a lot of branded caps.
But I will wear a 'Poppy' on ANZAC Day!
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 06:04 pm
there seems to be some general consensus that "if you've got a religion, keep it to yourself
If I didn't love the US so much, England would sound very attractive to me, with that attitude!
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 06:08 pm
I have two wardrobes--one designed to blend into the background and the other to announce that I'm just a wee bit peculiar. Neither variety of cloths comes with any sort of sandwich board.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 07:39 pm
I've a clothes and symbol slut. I'll wear anything.
I wear a St. Michael on a chain. I'm not religious, but I got it as a gift and I like it.
I'll wear anything so long as I like it. If I find it ugly, I won't wear it. If it's pretty or delights me at the moment, I'll wear it.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 07:57 pm
I tend in your clothes slut direction, flushd.
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Thu 24 Nov, 2005 10:13 pm
It seems to me that a piece of jewely, whether it be a crucifix, a star of David, a Xmas tree, a favorite locket - would be as wearable as any other item of jewelry - as long as it pleases the one who wears it. YOU are the only person you have to please in this world - and well ... come
to think of it... you really don't have to arbitrarily do that unless you just feel like it.
Like dreams - each dream is unique to the dreamer. And I feel like
your reasons for enjoying wearing whatever your choice of adornment
is - is something that is uniquely you.
I have a lovely rosary that I purchased because I like fingering the
beautiful, green beads. I don't practice Catholicism, but I do like the rosary beads. I might say the Serenity Prayer for every bead if I
become upset or distraught, because I can always use a little more
peace and calm in my life.
But as far as organized religion goes; I see only power and the
abuse of power - greed and the building of structures which would have broken the heart of the "creator" of christian religions.