Mon 21 Nov, 2005 10:52 am
Just got into a friendly discussion w/ my boss re driving habits.
Whenever I ride with her, I feel like I should say a hail mary before leaving the parking lot.
The main thing is she drives MUCH to close to the vehicle in front of her, like doing 70mph with 1 car length in between. At the same time, she's talking to me, talking on the cell phone, flipping through an address book, and critiquing the other drivers on the road. She maintains she's in total control and is aware of all the other cars around her.
Realizing I am responsible for the own safety in this situation, I have long ago given up politely remaining silent while gripping the armrest, and will come right out and say "Get off this guy's ass, would you"!
I do the system where, when driving over 45 I maintain 3 to 4 alligators between me and the car in front. That way, if the **** goes down, I've got room to manuver, and I actually get to where I'm going quicker than most people because I'm looking for opportunities way up the road.
Neither one of us have ever had an accident.
Where do you fall in this spectrum?
What are your thoughts when the person behind you is doing 60+ mph with 1 car length between you?
(me, I'm wondering what this person is trying to prove)
Re: How close do you drive to the car in front of you?
Chai Tea wrote:What are your thoughts when the person behind you is doing 60+ mph with 1 car length between you?
I like to slow down unexpectedly. If he hits me, there's a decent chance I won't die, and I'll get a fat insurance check out of it. Hell yeah.
I try to keep at least one car length between my and a driver on the side road that are 30 and 40 mph..
on the highway I keep prolly about 2 depending on speed... I myself have a heavy foot and from time to time tend to ride someones ass, but when I realize it I back off...
but I have a friend who literally is almost touching bumpers with everyone when she drives.. no matter how fast she is going and I will never get in the car with her again
Well, lucky for me I get to drive in bumper to bumper traffic a lot and stupid idiots who are driving for the first time I think, like to speed up and ride you ass so that they can slam on their brake mere millimeters from your bumper. Do this about 25 times on the way home and road rage starts to look extremely sane.
I try to stay a car length if I am going anything over 30 mph. Half a car length or sometimes less if we are creeping along. 2 car lengths if I am on the expressway.
If you can't read his odometer, you're too far away.
When someone rides my ass I give him the finger. This usually causes them to back off - or try to kill me.
texas drivers think that a 3 car length space is 1 hood.
i too am one to keep a good distance from the other car. For all the same reasons...
i am guilty of tapping the brake to get someone off my rear.
Espically on Mopaq ( a high way here in austin )
I have, in the 5 years I have been here, seen 7 accidents .. and ALL of them on mopaq.. and ALL of them being
someone tail-gating and rear ending someone else.
The standard is the 2 second rule. It takes most people almost a second to respond to something and take action. That assumes they see it the minute it happens.
Here is some interesting information on stopping and following distance. You might want to print it out and give your boss a copy.
Keep your (Braking) DistanceQuote:Perception time is the three-quarters of a second it takes for you to realize that you need to brake. Reaction time is the three-quarters of a second it takes to move your foot to the brake pedal. When you combine perception and reaction time, a full 132 feet will pass before your car even begins to slow down from 60 mph.
Car in front ? What is that ?
My brother drives like that, all on top of the person ahead of him, and it scares the crap out of me. I HATE riding with him. He calls it being aggressive but to me, it's just stupid. Surprisingly, he's never rear-ended anyone as far as I know.
I usually stay at least two car-lengths behind. It just makes sense.
At least two car lengths....or whatever I consider to be a safe stopping distance in an emergency (longer if it is wet, and even longer if it is a first rain after a dry spell, when the grease and such is in the wetness on the road.)
I HATE tailgaters.
Unless it is I, and the bastard in front is doing 20 k in a 60 k zone.
I prefer to maintain a space equal to a pack of fags between cars. This is called "slip streaming" and saves oddles of gas.
How much is an "oddle" of gas?
dlowan wrote:How much is an "oddle" of gas?
Enough to get an ambulance to the crash.
My rule of thumb is "If you can read this bumper sticker your driving too close " !
The Porsche has excellent brakes.
dyslexia wrote:The Porsche has excellent brakes.
although Diane keeps telling me I shouldn't take naps while driving.
It's "MoPac." Sheesh.
I used to get real worried about folks cutting in front of me. Now I just sit back and relax. Less wear and tear on the arteries.
My mother likes to keep a good quarter mile between her and the car in front of her. Then she starts screaming when people cut in front of her. Don't ever ride with my mother.