Mon 4 Nov, 2002 08:01 am
Besides the fact that, maybe, it should have been on last week, seeing as it was Halloween!!
I thought that the original was great!
Hoping it's not another "made for TV, Stephen King Circus" like "Rose Red",..where everythings ok till the end,..then it's horrible!
I didn't see it, but the promos made it look like the original. The reviews were not strong. It's rare for a remake to be better. Leave well-enough alone - the original was GREAT! I am eager to see if anyone liked it.
Hi bermbits,
I watched most of it while I was online last night,..
You didn't miss much!!!
It was OK, for "made for TV",..but didn't hold a candle to the original. The ending was different,
OK nevermind,..I thought it sucked out loud!
Carrie lived, did a good few of the others who died in the book.
The actress who played the mother wasn't near as good as Piper Laurie.
I could go on,..but let's just leave it at that!
I'll never learn,...I was excited cause I loved the original,...but that was one of a handful of King's books that actually was a good movie.
Anyway,..I vote,..."Don't Bother"
I think I got it the first time.Somethings you just don't want to disturb the memory of.
Yeah, I know,....
But sometimes, when people really care about the subject matter,..they can do justice to a piece that has been done before.
Like "Lord of the Rings"., doesn't happen very often,..but it does happen.
btw, I had to watch my tape of the original "Carrie" last night,..just to make me feel better!!