Wed 16 Nov, 2005 09:15 pm
Tom Cruise is one, so it must be wicked cool.
I have a scientologist in the family.
Interesting concept. Sort of like Christianity without the God-thing, or the guilt-thing.
This thread is inspired by the South Park that is on now.
Tom Cruise locked himself in Stan's closet...they keep saying over and over, "Tom, come out of the closet. Nobody will be mad. You can't hide forever. Come out of the closet, Tom. You're not fooling anyone."
<stepping away from the bolt Q'd god will surely hurl at him>
Here's one of the things you start to realize after learning about various religions - their tenets are very common. The basics are almost universal (but not quite). Then, you get deeper into religions and all sorts of things change.
Religion is for fools.
<looks apprehensively skyward>
When I was about 10, I could make my Catholic girlfriend cry by dancing around and singing "God's a jerk". I guess it didn't bother him much, I'm still here to tell about it.
Scientology teaches belief in a God. That's why I never became one, when I attended their services thirty years ago.
I am firmly convinced Scientology is a cult.
And Tom Cruise is absolutely insane.
And it isn't hard to make Catholic girls cry.
And chocolate chips cookies taste good with cheez whiz.
I don't know the details of Scientology but like any cult it will supply a set of semantic spectacles (terminology) through which to "observe". The fallacy is that subscribers are told "not to accept anything except what they observe", but any minor "revelation" with those specs on cements them more firmly onto/into the head. Further down the line can come the feeling of "the chosen" where others "do not understand".
BTW "religion" is merely a larger scale "cult".
I am firmly convinced Scientology is a DESTRUCTIVE cult.
We have one Scientology 'center' here in Winnipeg. It was a frightening experience inside (that is putting it mildly).
Because of their idiosyncratic observation techniques, cults are always destructive of something ...the "old self"...the family...former friendships etc. They cater to our craving some "certainty" in what may be a meaningless existence.....and the bigger the cult/religion...the more the higher the level of divisive destruction between social groups.
Some years back, because of their good works in Houston, the mayor declared a Scientology Day.
In the UK a few years ago several Liberal Members of Parliament were "outed" as members of "The School of Economic Science". This cult (aka "The School of Practical Philosophy") still flourishes in many countries including the US.
Scientology is a destructive mind control cult, like flushd has stated. It preys on people who are in a state of weakness or confusion. They have brain washing down to a science. The end result of the process are people that they call "clears", which in their case are people who are clear from any resistance to the cults influence.
The goal of Scientology is to provide wealth and power to those at the top. Please don't simply retort that it is the goal of most organizations as it would just be asinine.
Their is a world of difference between a cult and a religion. I lot of religions that call themselves such are indeed cultish (it's now the "religion" of scientology, for tax purposes), but there is a difference between human religiosity and cultishness.
For those that are not aware, Scientology was founded sometime in the 50's by L. Ron Hubbard, the horrible science fiction writer who brought us such classics as Battlefield Earth, which according to Scientologists is divinely inspired work. I am not kidding either!
Kind Regards
So it costs money too?
It's funny, all these things were in the South Park episode: Stan was in a state of depression when he cost him $240...and he found out the leaders were getting rich off of it. Who knew that show could be so educational?
South Park should be a staple in our public schools!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:So it costs money too?
It's funny, all these things were in the South Park episode: Stan was in a state of depression when he cost him $240...and he found out the leaders were getting rich off of it. Who knew that show could be so educational?
South Park should be a staple in our public schools!
It costs money every step of the way. And if you fail a step you get to go back and pay for it all over again.