I've got to laugh at Sieger and his whining. Just look at the rubbish he wrote about users above and replace the word "Catholic" with "Jewish" and you'll get a measure of him. He is suffering from paranoiditis, with a touch of religious conspiracy thrown in.
He regularly posted paranoid ramblings about Catholics the way others posted paranoid ramblings against Jews, against Protestants, against Muslims, against gays, against women, against blacks, etc. Such bigots turn up on Wikipedia all the time and are banned for trying to turn articles into rants against their pet hate (whether motivated by religion, class, race, orientation or something else. Sieger was rightly banned for trying to force his Catholicophobia into articles where religion was irrelevant, much less personal bigotry crusades. His crap about Hitler was typical. So what if Hitler was born a Catholic. There is not the slightest evidence that it was anything but a word on his birth certificate. He was not a Mass goer. He did not listen to the Roman Catholic Church on anything. He did not do anything the Catholic Church told him to. If he was a practicising Catholic, for a start he would hardly have been "living in sin", as Roman Catholicism puts it, with his mistress. Making an big issue of his nominal Catholicism as though the Catholic Church was to blame is as farcical as holding the American people personally to blame for Bill Clinton's sex-life, blaming the English race if some English football fans riot or holding Sieger personally responsible for everything anyone else called Robert did.
Sieger couldn't produce any evidence for his rantings other than his personal prejudice. Anyone putting in islamophobia into articles without evidence would have had it deleted on sight. Anyone putting in anti-Jewish rants into articles without evidence to back up the claims would have had the claims deleted on sight. It is standard practice: no evidence, no inclusion.
Sieger throughout his editing history showed a combination of extreme bigotry, paranoid phobias and conspiracy theories gone mad. Wikipedia had users who are Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and people of no faith. No-one agreed with his antics any everyone, irrespective of their religious faith, saw him for what his rantings show clearly, a paranoid Catholicophobic bigot more in need of psychiatric help than a chance to post paranoid ramblings in an encyclopaedia.