Re: How can dino bones be millions of year old?
EndZone wrote:Hey guys I don't know if this topic was posted or discussed before, I didn't have time to go through everything here as I needed an answer quick.
I'm not a science buff at all, in fact a huge noob but please help me on this issue. I recall radiocarbon dating weren't accurate after about 12,000 years so how do they believe dino bones could be millions of year old? Also and excuse my lack of scientific knowledge again, but wouldn't the bones erode or disappear after millions of years?
Bones could be almost any age. Meat on the other hand...
A few months ago, and this was on all the major newswires, there was a story about some people breaking a tyranosaur leg bone in half to get it onto a helicopter from a place from which there was no other way to get it out of, and finding soft tissue inside the bone.
This is what tyranosaur meat looks like:
Does any of that look like it's 70 million years old to you? I mean, I've seen two-week-old roadkill which looked worse.
The MSNBC Version of the Story: