Mon 14 Nov, 2005 07:50 pm
This riddle has been emailed to me several times and I can't figure out the answer.
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
That's easy. The answer is . . . "nothing"!
OMG, it is so obvious! I feel so silly. Thank you
the answer to your riddle is "nothing"
Re the riddles answer: Nothing
I bet the answer is "nothing".
Wrong, smog! Actually, the answer is "nothing."
Not the way I do quotes it ain't!
we seem to be coming to a consensus here on the answer.
when is the next steering committee meeting re the subject of this "nothing" business?
Answer to a riddle
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
The answre to that riddle is, NOTHING. NOTHING is greater than god, NOTHING is more evil than the devil, the poor have NOTHING, the rich need NOTHING, and if you eat NOTHING you will you get it????
its just a dumb riddle, with a dumb answer.....
We are Siamese if you please....
We are Siamese if you don't please
Re: Answer to a riddle
the_millenium_king wrote:What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
The answre to that riddle is, NOTHING. NOTHING is greater than god, NOTHING is more evil than the devil, the poor have NOTHING, the rich need NOTHING, and if you eat NOTHING you will you get it????
thanks for clarifying the issue, MK.
Welcome to a2k by the way.
Re: Answer to a riddle
lmur wrote:the_millenium_king wrote:What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
The answre to that riddle is, NOTHING. NOTHING is greater than god, NOTHING is more evil than the devil, the poor have NOTHING, the rich need NOTHING, and if you eat NOTHING you will you get it????
thanks for clarifying the issue, MK.
Welcome to a2k by the way.
Not so fast. I think we need further clarification here.
Re: Answer to a riddle
Merry Andrew wrote:
Not so fast. I think we need further clarification here.
yes, i can see i was a bit hasty.
perhaps someone else can help clear this up?
Re: Answer to a riddle
the_millenium_king wrote:What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
The answre to that riddle is, NOTHING. NOTHING is greater than god, NOTHING is more evil than the devil, the poor have NOTHING, the rich need NOTHING, and if you eat NOTHING you will you get it????
I'm intriqued by this fellows suggestion that the anwer may be "nothing"
Any thoughts of this?
Nahh, Chai. I don't buy it. Myself, I lean toward the notion that the answer might be "nothing." But that's just my opinion.
If the answer is nothing then there is nothing to discuss. In order to fully appreciate the riddle and the omnipresent answer of nothing we do in fact find ourselves in need of discussing this nothing ergo we have something to discuss. Thus we are discussing something. As we now have something to discuss and we are in fact discussing the answer to this riddle it then becomes something. So contrary to popular opinion i surmise the answer to said riddle is in fact something.
But what?