hi folks

boggling stuff, i have just spent an hour reading this entire thread...unfortunately for me i am still a dedicated presentist, well almost.
It seems to me we are trapped in an 'eternal Now'. We don't experience the past, we experience memories of the past in the present. And we don't experience the future, we experience the present.
Nothing can exist physically except in the now. I have to write a term paper titled 'does the past exist, does the present exist, does the future exist' and am still struggling how it can be concievable that either the past or the future do exist, it is not plausible! If they did exist it would be beyond human comprehension.
"Suppose that I am going to recite a psalm that I know. Before I begin, my faculty of expectation is engaged by the whole of it. But once I have begun, as much of the psalm as I have removed from the province of expectations and relegated to the past now engages my memory, and the scope of the action which I am performing is divided between the two faculties of memory and expectation, the one looking back to the part which I have already recited, the other looking forward to the part which I have still to recite. But my faculty of attention is present all the while, and through it passes what was the future in the process of becoming the past. "
(Augustine, Confessions 278; bk. 11, sec. 28)
I feel this sums it up...
But then I ask myself, if i was a dedicated presentist, I could in reality deny the existance of say the tsunami last year, saying it as the things only exist exist in the now, then it does and did not exist. But it did. And I couldnt say that it was only in our minds that things exist (i.e. only when someone recollects something happening), because say of nobody saw a tree falling in a forest, but it did, you cant deny that happening either. So i do not entirely believe in the presentist view. Possiblism to me, is almost as ludicras as eternalism...So I stand somewhat bemused. I believe that only the now exists, but refuse to deny that because it does not exist now, it did not once temporally exist. It merely no longer physically exists...Ive had my mind racking over this for about a month now...
Any ideas on where to stand? Or 'destroy' my views - because that is always useful!