Well, here's some, more later.
Extravagant and yet restrained building quite near my hotel; it's the Harold Washington Library Center.
The Palmer House. I remember going there to some restaurant as a child. Some of us researched it as a place to stay early in the Chicago thread. I remember a single as being $150., out of my range of contemplatable. Next time, if there is a next time, I'm going to spring for that. Very nifty place... I did a walk through, and declined to ask at the desk where I could get coffee. Was hoping not to be thrown out...

typical skyline, a counterpoint of architecture
We'd seen this building closer up on our architecture tour, the Chicago Board of Trade.
another view of it..
I saw who did this building a few days after I photo'd it, but, hey, forget.
Someone famous...
I don't think this is famous, who knows, but seems sturdily chicagoesque.
Beautiful building, some story behind it, I took the photo from across the river just because it caught my eye... the Civic Opera Building
We learned about this on the arch tour... there was a Chicago School of Architecture... it involved doing buildings in a division of three... a plinth at the bottom, a stem in the middle, and a capital at the top...
This amused me but won't charm all. Well, it was one of many of those graffitis, this one the only one I saw with a letter erased...