wandeljw wrote:mac,
I am so happy you arrived home safely. I had fun talking with you about our sweet friend, raggedyaggie.
Me too, wandel. You remember the old games better than I do!
Aaaah. Thank you for the "sweet". I so wish I could have been there. But, I'm happy you had such a great time and am looking forward to hearing and seeing more about the fun time in Chicago.
J_B wrote:I don't think I was standing quite as close to Bill's backside as that picture appears
it does appear as though you are leaning into his bottom, and he is giving you a complimentary "goosing"..
Ah good to see mac11 is safely back in Texas. Walter and the yitwails left midday today while ci, ossobuco, Eva, Thomas and I enjoyed another warm sunny morning on the river tour. It had been about 10 years since I'd taken it myself, so I enjoyed it along with the rest of the folks. We had a quick lunch downtown until Eva and then osso had to leave us for the airport. Thomas, ci, and I took our time and finally went our separate ways - ci off to the Field Museum of Natural History, Thomas off job hunting (yeah, we might get to keep him), and me back to Union Station for my train home.
A quiet night tonight (for me at least) and then we'll hopefully begin again with round two of the fun and fests.
O'Bill was a perfect gentleman throughout, including insisting on me wearing his jacket when we were outside on the pool deck.
I envy your enjoyment..
Well done, glad you all had a good time.
There was a meeting?
I missed it?
Not quite, Lord E. Hop on a plane to Chicago and join us for week 2!
Gus, you still have time to make it too!
Yes there was your worship.
And it all wound down into to some farewells,probably a fair amount of disillusionment,trips to the airport,a number of dollars less to leave to the kids and the sea levels up a micro inch.
You should have been there. Right up your street.
I made it home to Virginia, albeit an hour late. The little plane I was on taxied around the runways of O'Hare, waif-like, inching forward periodically, making left turns and then right turns. The guy in the seat next to me had never flown before. He was a bit of a basket case by the time we did take off and he didn't get any better as the flight progressed. It made me yearn for the good old days when they served free alcohol. He could have benefited from a drink and God knows I could have.
Special thanks to J_B, Joefromchicago and Sublime for all yall did as "hosts" for us out of towners. And thanks to Liontamerx for the generous gift.
Many pictures, many, many pictures were taken and I am sure that a selection of them will be posted in due course.
I found that, with the possible exception of Eva and Mac11, everyone else spoke with strange accents. And how did the yellow sweater end up in my suitcase?
strange accents - funny - I was thinking Eva had an accent and I'm from the state to the north of her -
husker wrote:strange accents - funny - I was thinking Eva had an accent and I'm from the state to the north of her -

I thought I was from the state to the north of her.
We have no accents.
Ticomaya wrote:husker wrote:strange accents - funny - I was thinking Eva had an accent and I'm from the state to the north of her -

I thought I was from the state to the north of her.
We have no accents.
so we are having a count up more than 2 tonight or I made a typo
I arrived safely in Albuquerque and already had a nice time here ... which includes, catching osso from the airport just a couple of minutes ago.
(Something happened, though, but I suppose dys will report about that tomorrow.)
Thanks again to all!
Dys has reported already, Walter

(look around)
I'm glad you've had a save trip to Southwest. Now get some
Stetson and cowboy boots, otherwise you'll never blend in.
Lordy, I had such a good time. Last first, I was just met by Diane and Walter at the ABQ Sunport, we scooted to Dys and Di's house, snatched up the Pacco, and Diane took me home. (Hmmm, they didn't pour the footing in the front yard as expected..... But, that's good, I can be sure they do it in the right place).
You will all get sick of my vignettes about the trip. I didn't take many photos of a2kers as that was clearly covered by the new firm of Magnum A2k, limited. On the other hand, I have a lot of photos of the city. Or I hope I do. Gave up on experimenting with my digicam on the trip, and relied on old filmo.
As to the volume of photos taken, I was starting to avoid looking at people with cameras with my mouth hanging open with my worst ever posture. But I got over it. What the hell.
As for the teaser photo.. it might be typical of some portion of the photos as a lot of us at any given time were listening to one or more others, those were always changing, and some of the talk was serious, some not, some hilarious, and soon in the three or so days with different people at different times there got to be a kind of natural rhythm to it.
One of my pleasures of the trip was the breadth of personalities, and all of them got some of the stage some of the time.
I'm glad that osso and Walter made it to ABQ safely. Albeit with lock and footing issues.
I look forward to seeing your photos, osso. I know you got some great shots - on both cameras! The ones from sublime's building should be magnificent. That is a helluva view.
Big fat thanks to our care bears, Sublime, J_B, JoefromChicago, Lion Tamer, Wandeljw [early welcome], and ehBeth, [major phone interception], and O'Bill, who brought a lot of good red wine I didn't try as I was saving my body for my glass of JWBlue.
Mac, I might have gotten a few nifty candid city shots, or might not have nabbed any at all, depending on exposure as I clicked fast at a bunch of stuff as it was happening. We'll see. Let's just say I shot a lot of photos as I walked the loop and walked the loop and walked the loop...
Anyway, from the architecture we got to see and the art we got to see, I can easily think of about fifteen threads I want to start...