Thu 3 Nov, 2005 03:05 pm
I was wondering how many people in this forum have GPS systems? Some are installed in your car when you buy it and there are other portable systems...Do you find them useful? I was reading about the TomTom GO 700 in a magazine and it sounds like you can hook up your phone to the receiver and get calls while also getting directions. Pretty cool idea, imo.
My cell phone has a GPS system built-in. One time I was broken down in the Texas desert and the tow truck was able to locate me quickly. Otherwise I might have died of thirst or starvation! (Well, probably not as other drivers were going by) Praise the GPS system!
Yeah, it seems like a really useful thing to have and the technology is advancing so much...With the TomTom, you take it out of the box and it shows you all the restaurants and gas stations on your route. I am seriously contemplating one for Christmas...
Anyone else have any ideas?